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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

12 April 2010

Presiding: Kelly McGuire

Present: Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Kelly McGuire, Fred Lanyon. Craig Ketels

Meeting was called to order by President McGuire at 1900.

Minutes of the 10 March 2010 meeting were read and approved unanimously after a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Craig Ketels.

{tab=Treasurer's Report}Treasurer’s Report:

The bank balance is $14,855.43. There have been 74 donations to date for a total of $2,855.00.  Expenses to date amount to $340.57.  The vote for renewing the RRRHOA covenants total 82 so far; 75 for renewing and 7 against.  With 198 lot owners on the Ranch, 101 votes will be needed to renew the covenants for a period of ten years.

{tab=Arch Control}Architectural Control: No report

{tab=Old Business} Old Business:

The members expressed their thanks to Director David Weber for another fine newsletter that was mailed to all residents.

The situation with chickens being kept on the Ranch was postponed since Frank Chuba was not present to render a report.  Recorder Jim Bergeron will contact Mr. Chuba to assure a follow-up is made and report to the Board at the May meeting.

President McGuire reported that he discussed blind e-mailings to residents with webmaster Jase Campbell and it can be done.  If a filter can be added to the site to block pop-ups and unwanted ads, that would be beneficial.  Mr. Campbell will be asked if that is a possibility.  Since Director Jim Zalmanek surfaced the idea, it was decided to let him coordinate the project with Mr. Campbell.

{tab=New Business}New Business:

Director Craig Ketels suggested having a dog run/park next to the Association Park which would be approximately 60 feet by 100 feet with a 42 inch fence.  It would have baggies for animal excrement and a trash barrel for its disposal.  The park would be open to all residents, as well as neighboring areas such as Sundance Estates and Forest View Estates.  The land in question is owned by Dave Miller and abuts the Association Park.  Mr. Ketels volunteered to contact Mr. Miller about the possibility of using that property and will report back to the Board in May with his findings.

President McGuire had complaints from residents about the use of salt licks on private property and also the habit of some residents who push, or plow snow, into the public streets.  A call to the Department of Wildlife (DOW) was made, and there is no prohibition concerning salt licks in the state, even though they usually draw deer which in turn draw mountain lions. However, the lions are here to stay and will continue to prey on deer whether or not there are salt licks, according to DOW.

Pushing or plowing snow into the roadway is against the law and there is a statute covering that.  The first two offenses carry an increasing fine and the third carries a 3 day jail sentence.

With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 1930 on a motion by Craig Ketels and a second by Fred Lanyon which was carried unanimously.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 10 May 2010 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
