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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

14 February 2011

Presiding: Kelly McGuire

Present: Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Kelly McGuire, Fred Lanyon, Jim Zalmanek, David Weber, Frank Chuba, Craig Ketels

The meeting was called to order by President Kelly McGuire at 1900.

The minutes of the 10 January 2011 meeting were read and unanimously approved following a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Craig Ketels.

{tab=Treasurer's Report}Treasurer’s Report:

2010 RRRHOA Annual Treasurer’s Report as of 01 January 2010

The bank balance is $13,141.41.  To date there have been two donations for a total of $70.00.  No Architectural Control fees received and no expenses reported.  Treasurer’s Report approved unanimously following a motion to accept by Frank Chuba and a second by Fred Lanyon.

{tab=Arch Control}Architectural Control:

No requests received for the month.

{tab=Old Business}Old Business:

President Kelly McGuire presented the signs that will advertise the spring cleanup and annual picnic.  All members agreed that the signs are well done and should be easily seen from the road.

Director Jim Zalmanek reported on preliminary findings after discussing fire mitigation with Dave Root of the Forest Service.  Mr. Root said the Ranch could make a plan in conjunction with the Tri Lakes Fire Department, El Paso County and Forest Service, or even make a plan on our own.  There is a possibility of receiving matching funds for time spent in planning, chipping, and labor.  The Forest Service may also help in constructing and maintaining a fire line.  Mr. Zalmanek will have more updates at the March meeting.

Jim Bergeron discussed the state HOA registration program and found that the only way  to register at this time is through a legal firm in Denver.  There is an $8.93 registration fee and the legal firm charges $50 for their service. Eventually, it should be possible to register on-line, but not now.  There is also some confusion about the need for voluntary HOA’s, such as Red Rock Ranch, to actually have to register.  After a prolonged discussion, it was agreed to have President McGuire contact Representative Amy Stevens for further clarification. It was further agreed that if it is not required for voluntary Associations, we will not proceed any further.  If Mrs. Steven’s office advises us to register, then we will register through the legal firm of Hindman Sanchez P. C.

Jim Bergeron reported that Forest View Estates was contacted about sharing the RRRHOA dumpsters during spring cleanup, but their HOA has already made plans for a cleanup using their own dumpsters.  Sundance Estates has no active HOA at this time, and the Shiloh Pines HOA was contacted, but no reply has been received at this time. It was further agreed that the individual dumping fee will remain at $10 to $25 at the discretion of the on-duty Board member, depending on the size of the load to be dumped.  RRRHOA residents who have contributed voluntary dues will not pay for dumping.

{tab=New Business}New Business:

Four articles were written by Board members for the upcoming newsletter and given to Director David Weber, who graciously agreed to publish it again.  He will have a draft copy ready by 21 February for editing and coordinating by Board members via e-mail.  Board members will fold and stuff envelopes with newsletters at the next meeting on 14 March 2011 for mailing on the following day.

A letter of thanks was received from Tri Lakes Cares Programs Manager Carrie Oliver for the $200 contribution made by the RRRHOA.

Director Craig Ketels stated that he and his tractor are ready to do any grading at the school bus stop in the spring if it is needed.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1946 on a motion by David Weber, seconded by Craig Ketels and carried unanimously.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 14 March 2011 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street in Monument.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
