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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

Annual Picnic/Business Meeting

12 September 2011

Presiding: Kelly McGuire

Present: Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Kelly McGuire, Frank Chuba, David Weber, Fred Lanyon

Guests: Debbie and Sonny Horak

The meeting was called to order at 1901.

Minutes of the 13 August 2011 meeting were read and approved unanimously as amended on a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Frank Chuba.  The amendment was to include Director Craig Ketel’s name to the list of Board members present at the 13 August 2011 meeting

{tab=Treasurer's Report}Treasurer’s Report:

The bank balance is $16,397.19.  There have been 120 voluntary donations to date amounting to $4565.00.  Architectural Control fees are $1249.00, and interest is $22.03.  Total income to date is $5,836.03 and total expenses are $2,482.81.  Insurance bills are pending and are usually received in the autumn.

Treasurer’s report accepted following a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Frank Chuba.


{tab=Arch Control}Architectural Control:

Chairman Frank Chuba reports no new requests.  Treasurer Bill Martin did report a house on Stoneview Road, owned by Dale Elberg, has new shingles being put on the roof.  Frank Chuba said he will contact the owner.

{tab=Old Business}Old Business:


{tab=New Business}New Business:


Kelly McGuire reports that responses to the questionnaire concerning the slash/trash program have been light.

President McGuire also reported that he has had complaints about dogs running loose on the Ranch and defecating in neighbor’s yards.  Mr. and Mrs. Horak stated that they have videos and still pictures of loose dogs in their yard and one owner is known by the Horaks.  They said they have contacted the particular dog owner who was very pleasant and understanding, but still allows her dog to run free.  President McGuire said he knows the owner and will contact her about this situation.  However, it was noted that the HOA has no authority in these matters and the proper way to handle the situation is exactly what the Horaks did.  If these procedures fail, then calling Animal Control is the next step.  In this same vein, it was again noted that an anonymous individual is putting notes in mail boxes in the Aspen Way/Sandstone Road area concerning loose dogs.  Contrary to popular belief, the mail box is owned by the homeowner and not the Postal Department, but if someone is disturbing the mail inside the box, then the Postal Service can be involved.

President McGuire plans on publishing a letter via the website to address these concerns and other matters pertinent to homeowners.

It was agreed by the Board to reimburse the Deutchlander family the money they had to pay to have a dead doe removed from their property.  The deer had been shot by a small caliber bullet and was found dead near their home.  DOW was notified and they felt the doe had two fawns, but efforts to find them were unsuccessful.  David Weber made the motion to pay the family and it was seconded by Fred Lanyon.

An e-mail was sent to area residents warning of a bear that killed and partially devoured two small donkeys on the ranch abutting Red Rock Ranch.  Fred Lanyon reported that he talked with a ranger who said a sow with two cubs is the suspect and a trap has been set.

Pine beetles in the RRRHOA area are not a problem at this time according to the Colorado State Extension Service.  They will not come to the Ranch for a presentation, but will come and examine the area for a fee of $45 per hour.  Google has several sites for more information.

President McGuire attended the NEPCO meeting on Saturday, 10 September and said it was a round table discussion.  Details of the meeting can be found in the newspaper, Our Community News. Highlights of the meeting:

  1. Insurance companies plan to have representatives evaluate homes for fire danger.
  2. Alternative/ renewable energy sources were discussed.
  3. Renting homes on a weekly basis is against El Paso County codes.
  4. Homes over 5,000 square feet must have fire suppression systems in place.
  5. Donala Water District has a xeriscape area for viewing behind the Gleneagle sign.

Treasurer Bill Martin asked about the number of returns on the last letter sent concerning the slash/trash program and President McGuire stated none so far.

Jim Bergeron thanked David Weber on behalf of the Board for raising and lowering the U. S. flag in the Association Park on special occasions, and for the work he has put in developing a long range budget for the Association.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1956 on a motion by David Weber and a second by Fred Lanyon.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 10 October 2011 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA

Please Note:  These minutes are in draft form only until approved by the RRRHOA Board at the 10 October 2011 meeting.
