
Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

Annual Picnic/Business Meeting

13 August 2011

Presiding: Kelly McGuire

Present: Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Kelly McGuire, Fred Lanyon, Jim Zalmanek, Frank Chuba, Craig Ketels

Guests: 24 Red Rock Ranch residents

Per RRRHOA by-laws, the annual picnic/business meeting was held at the Association Park on 13 August 2011 starting at 1200.  A picnic was held starting at noon with hot dogs, hamburgers, bratwurst, salads, desserts, and soft drinks.  The meats, breads and soft drinks were provided by the Association with residents furnishing side dishes and desserts.

The meeting portion was called to order by President Kelly McGuire at 1326

The minutes of the 11 July 2011 meeting were read and unanimously approved following a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Craig Ketels

{tab=Treasurer's Report}Treasurer’s Report:

Bank balance is $16,428.42.  Voluntary donations from 120 residents amount to $4,565.00 for an average donation of $38.04.  Architectural control fees from two new houses are $1249.00.  Interest is $19.21.

Expenses for the dumpsters amounted to $1,100.

Anticipated expenses will be insurance fees at approximately $2,000.

Treasurer’s Report accepted after a motion by Craig Ketels and a second by Jim Zalmanek.

{tab=Arch Control}Architectural Control:

No report.

{tab=Old Business}Old Business:

President Kelly McGuire addressed the four points that were mentioned in the last newsletter sent to residents, including the slash, trash, swap programs and a community wide garage sale. He asked for input and residents seemed most interested in the slash program whereby a non-profit organization from Lake George would chip brush, scrub oak and small trees for approximately $25 per household.  A question by resident Lucy McGuire about garage sales resulted in six families saying they would be interested in the garage sale which would include advertising and maps for prospective buyers. The focal point for maps and information would be the Association Park manned by Kiwanis teens.

The problem of loose dogs was brought up and President McGuire stressed that the Board has no authority over that.  He did suggest first discussing the situation with the dog owners and if that fails, the animal control officers can be contacted.  Resident John Mann said if the sheriff’s office is called, they will respond and contact dog owners which will avoid having animal control driving through the Ranch picking up any and all dogs they spot.

Resident Mary Ketels commented on the pine beetle and its destructiveness.  She asked if there was a way an expert might address residents about the problem and possible ways to control the pest.  President McGuire said he would see if someone from the Forest Service or the extension agency might make a presentation at either a homeowner’s meeting or a NEPCO meeting to which all residents are invited to attend at either venue.

{tab=New Business}New Business:

President Kelly McGuire introduced Theron and Pat Felmlee as the newest residents on the Ranch.   He also thanked all residents for participating in the picnic/meeting.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1403 on a motion by Craig Ketels, seconded by Jim Zalmanek and carried unanimously.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 12 September 2011 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street in Monument.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA

Please Note:  These minutes are in draft form only until approved by the RRRHOA Board at the 11 September 2011 meeting. AMENDED 8/14/11 --jc
