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{tab=Call To Order}

Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

14 May 2012




Presiding: Kelly McGuire

Present: Kelly McGuire, Jim Bergeron, Bill Martin, David Weber, Jim Zalmanek, Frank Chuba, Craig Ketels

Guests: John and Jana Brandt

Meeting called to order at 1900.

The minutes of the 09 April 2012 meeting were read and amended to reflect that Director Jim Zalmanek was present once, not twice as noted in the roll call section of the minutes. Amended minutes accepted after a motion by Director Craig Ketels and a second by Treasurer Bill Martin.

{tab=Treasurer's Report}Treasurer’s Report:

Bank balance is $17,456.03.  There have been ninety-four voluntary donations amounting to $3,546.00 and expenditures of $482.59 to date.

The Treasurer’s Report was accepted following a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Craig Ketels.

{tab=Arch Control}Architectural Control:

Mr. and Mrs. Brandt requested permission to repaint and add shutters to their residence at 4315 Red Forest Road.  The color of the house will be brown musso and they presented a color chip.  The plans were approved unanimously following a motion to accept by Jim Zalmanek and a second by David Weber. A $25 fee was paid by the Brandts.

{tab=Old Business}Old Business:

President McGuire reported on the upcoming garage sale on the Ranch.  Mrs. McGuire has 12 confirmed participants and has placed ads in Our Community News, Snippets, the Tri Lakes Tribune and the Colorado Springs Gazette.  She has ordered two banners at a cost of $112 each, which can be used at future events.  Maps will be printed and the total cost of all expenditures will be close to the $400 appropriated by the Board.  The deadline for requesting participation is 20 May.

Craig Ketels made suggestions concerning the maps and felt if they were placed in Snippets that would save the cost of printing at Tri Lakes Printing.  If maps are printed, perhaps they could be placed in a help yourself box much like realtors do and save the manpower needed to hand them out.  President McGuire agreed to research the map idea concerning Snippets versus Tri Lakes Printing costs.  Craig Ketels agreed to contact Gary Nevins about placing an advertising banner on his property near State Highway 105 and Red Rock Ranch Drive.  David Weber stated that he will send out an e-mail to residents about the garage sale.

In other old business, Craig Ketels raised the question of having $15,000 in reserve as noted in the February 2012 minutes. He felt residents should be aware of the rationale behind that amount.  Jim Zalmanek agreed to compose a short explanation that can be sent to residents with input from Board members.

The members each signed up for two hour tours of duty for spring cleanup at the dumpster in the park on 08, 09, and 10 June.  Craig Ketels raised the question of residents dumping trash on these days.  Should those who do not pay their voluntary dues be allowed to dump for free as the residents who do pay are allowed?  Architectural Control Chairman Frank Chuba suggested sending a thank-you card to residents who have donated and that would give them access to free dumping. After much discussion, it was agreed that paying members will dump for free and non-paying residents will only be allowed to dump if they make a voluntary $35 donation to the RRRHOA.  Treasurer Bill Martin will have available a roster of all residents indicating those who have paid their voluntary dues.

Bill Martin purchased ten bags of bark approved by the Board, and that was spread in the park garden area. He feels it will have to be repeated next year.

{tab=New Business}New Business:

President Kelly McGuire attended the NEPCO meeting on Saturday, 12 May 2012 and stated that Representative Amy Stephens was the speaker.  As always, minutes of that meeting are available on line.

Treasurer Bill Martin stated that he has e-mail addresses for the majority of Ranch residents and President McGuire said his goal is to send the newsletter electronically, except for the annual letter requesting voluntary donations which would be sent by USPS.  Craig Ketels said he would research local advertising possibilities that could possibly cover the cost of printing and mailing the annual newsletter.  It was noted that no personal ads would be accepted- only businesses.  There would also be a disclaimer that the Association assumes no responsibility for nor specifically endorses any product or service advertised.

Bill Martin has composed a welcome letter draft for new residents to the Ranch that will be mailed with the president’s signature.  Members were asked for input, but it was stressed that the letter should be no longer than one page.

Director David Weber attended the 03 May 2012 meeting at the County Court House concerning HOA’s and felt there was nothing new to report.  Much of the discussion centered on properties such as apartment complexes and condominiums.

Val Martin has spent many hours over many years improving the physical looks and tending plants at the Association Park and members felt a letter of thanks and appreciation is in order.  Craig Ketels agreed to write the letter for President McGuire’s signature.

{tab=Architectural Fee Policy}Architectural Fee Policy:

Architectural Chairman Frank Chuba discussed guidelines for fees and general improvements in accordance with the RRRHOA covenants. His recommendations are:


Maintenance & Restoration of RRR Properties


In light of the positive responses to the recent newsletter article on architectural control the RRRHOA board discussed ways to simplify this process and make it more user friendly for our residents. It is the intent of the RRRHOA board to encourage and facilitate the maintenance and upkeep of RRR properties by the owners. In the interest of eliminating unnecessary administration for routine maintenance and restoration of existing structural elements on RRR properties the board does not consider the following types of projects to be “alterations” as defined in the covenants and therefore these projects do not require architectural approval by the board.


Projects of this type would include but not be limited to:

  1. Repainting, re-staining structures to their original color.
  2. Repaving existing driveways (No expansion or rerouting).
  3. Repairing, replacing existing fences with the same type of fence.
  4. Repairing, resurfacing existing decks. (No expansion of deck area)


Projects that add new elements (sheds, antennae, decks, etc) or significantly modify or expand existing structures (re-roof, re-siding, additions) continue to require architectural approval in accordance with the covenants.

We applaud our residents’ efforts to maintain and beautify their properties and will continue to facilitate their efforts in any way we can as a board.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2034 on a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Craig Ketels.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 11 June 2012 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.

Note:  Minutes are in draft form until approved by the RRRHOA Association Board at the 14 May 2012 meeting.
