{tab=Call To Order}
Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
11 March 2013
Presiding: Kelly McGuire
Present: Kelly McGuire, Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Frank Chuba, David Weber, Jim Zalmanek
Guests: Lucy McGuire
The meeting was called to order by President Kelly McGuire at 1910. A quorum was present and ready to meet at 1900, but the meeting room was not vacated by the AARP tax preparers until 1910, hence the delay.
Minutes of the 11 February 2013 meeting were read and approved as written after a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Bill Martin
{tab=Treasurer's Report}Treasurer’s Report:
The bank balance is $15,181.63. There have been seven donations for a total of $310.00. No money received from Architectural Control fees and no expenses to date. Bank interest is $3.63 for a total income of $313.63. There were no expenses. Treasurer’s Report accepted after a motion by David Weber and a second by Jim Zalmanek.
{tab=Arch Control}Architectural Control:
Architectural Control Chairman Frank Chuba has no report this month.
{tab=Special Business}Special Business
Guest Mrs. Lucy McGuire presented the projected costs for the garage sale planned for 31 May and 01, 02 June 2013.
(See Mrs. McGuire’s full report on page 3)
{tab=Old Business}Old Business:
Frank Chuba reports that he has not heard anything from the school district regarding the Red Rock Ranch HOA logo contest.
Jim Bergeron reported that he discussed placing another “Nevins Park” sign with resident John Novotny and John has agreed to make a second one which will be placed at the entrance off Sunburst Drive. Additionally, John Novotny did re-paint the existing sign on Red Rock Ranch Drive.
It was noted that the Department of Roads re-filled the sand barrel at the intersection of State Highway 105 and Red Rock Ranch Drive and it is being used by residents. The barrels requested by Jim Bergeron at two different locations on the Ranch have not been installed and that appears to be a closed item.
{tab=New Business}New Business:
President Kelly McGuire wrote articles for the upcoming RRRHOA newsletter and Director David Weber states he now has enough for the spring issue. The President also said he would like to obtain permanent signs advertising the garage sales and will price them at Tri Lakes Printing. The cardboard signs used last year did not fare well in the rain and should be replaced.
David Miller will ask the residents in his development called Filing I and Filing II whether or not they would like to join the scheduled garage sales.
Jim Zalmanek agreed to print a plat of Red Rock Ranch so the boundaries will be clear to all residents.
Director David Weber made a motion to appropriate $500 for the garage sale as requested by Mrs. McGuire; that was seconded by Bill Martin and passed unanimously.
President McGuire will contact Brian at Tri Lakes Disposal for pricing on dumpsters to be used for the spring cleanup and contact resident Thad Handrick about obtaining a chipper from Home Depot and running it to chip branches brought in to the cleanup site.
There was discussion among Board members who feel there is some confusion over fire mitigation when discussing it with insurance companies, the Tri Lakes Fire Department and Palmer Lake Fire Department when each entity seems to give differing views. The conclusion of the Board is that homes should have roofs cleared of debris, especially pine needles, and underbrush should be cut away from homes as a very minimum. In the meantime, the Board is working on a fire mitigation plan which will include information from Farmers Insurance Company, Tri Lakes Fire Protection District, the Colorado State Forestry Service, and the CSU Extension Service.
As part of a Neighborhood Watch, Director David Weber feels the Association should consider a trial run with an on-line company that will issue warnings to residents in emergency or urgent situations. Director Jim Zalmanek agreed to be the point of contact for the trial run and the Board can make a decision about the program at a later meeting.
With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 2002 on a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Jim Zalmanek which was carried unanimously
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 08 April 2013 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.
Respectfully submitted,
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
Note: These minutes are in draft form and are not official until approved by the Board at the 08 April 2013 meeting.
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