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{tab=Call To Order}

Presiding: Mark Fears

Present:  Jim Bergeron, Mark Fears, David Weber, Michelle Miller

Guests: David and Julie Yack, Tom Guenther

Meeting called to order at 1900.

Since the meeting lacked five members to form a quorum, no business could be conducted and no votes could be taken.

{tab=Treasurer's Report}

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer David Weberreports there have been 137 residents who have contributed $5,225.00 as voluntary donations to date.  Interest amounts to $3.97, $25.00 in Architectural fees, and a $1,000 reduction in attorney fees from Lenard Rioth for a total income of $6,253.97, to date.  Expenses to date amount to $2,015.43 in legal fees to attorney Lenard Rioth, $2,200.00 to Tri Lakes Disposal, $10.00 to Cyber Basement, $200.00 to Tri Lakes Cares, $357.90 to Tri Lakes Printing, $50.00 to Peoples National Bank, $35.00 to NEPCO, and $3,100.00 to Angry Squirrel.  Bank balance is $15,108.73.

{tab=Arch Control}

Architectural Control:  David and Julie Yack presented plans for a new house they would like to build at 3580 Mesa Verde.  It will be 3,226 square feet finished with stucco siding and asphalt shingles.  The presented plans were examined by the four members present who had no objection, but could not vote without a quorum.  The plans will be submitted to Architectural Control Chairman Frank Chuba and then a vote can be made via e-mail.

{tab=Old Business}

Old Business: The Courage to Change residence on Spruce Road was discussed.  Also discussed were the re-writing and updating current covenants and the slash program for the next spring cleanup.  Treasurer David Weber gave an update on correspondence with attorney Lenard Rioth. Any decision on these matters was deferred until the next meeting when it is hoped there will be a quorum.

{tab=New Business}

New Business: President Mark Fears announced his resignation from the RRRHOA Board of Directors since he will be moving out of the area.

Guest Julie Yack stated that there is a possibility of having an Eagle Scout project conducting next year’s slash program.


The non-meeting ended at 1940.


The next regularly scheduled meeting will be the annual picnic/business meeting at 1200 on Saturday, 27 August 2016 at the Nevin’s Park on Red Rock Ranch, Colorado.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron 

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
