{tab=Call To Order}

Presiding: David Weber

Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, Fred Lanyon, Michelle Miller, David Weber, Frank Chuba

Guests:  Tom Guenther, Hans and Hannah Zimmerman, Kevin Guy, Craig and Blanca Pryor, David and Julie Yack, Lesa and Dave Weitz

The meeting was called to order by Acting President David Weber at 1900.

The minutes of the 20 June 2016 were read and approved unanimously as written following a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Beth Lonnquist.  Fred Lanyon also made a motion that the minutes on the 11 July 2016 non-meeting be approved, seconded by Frank Chuba.  

{tab=Treasurer's Report}

Treasurer’s Report: The current bank balance is $13,647.29.  There have been 139 donors who contributed $5,295.00, Architectural Control fees amount to $25.00, bank interest is $4.58, and $1,000.00 as a fee reduction from attorney Lenard Rioth resulting in a total of $6,324.58.

Expenses to date: $2,200.00 to Tri Lakes Disposal, $30.00 for the domain name, $200.00 donation to Tri Lakes Cares, $357.90 to Tri Lakes Printing, $2,595.72 to Anderson, Dude, Lebel P. C. (attorney fees for Lenard Rioth), $50.00 to People’s National Bank (safety deposit rental), $3,100.00 to Angry Squirrel (chipping cost) for a total of $8,568.62.

Treasurer’s Report accepted following a motion by Beth Lonnquist and a second by Frank Chuba.

{tab=Arch Control}

Architectural Control:  Craig and Blanca Pryor made a request to build an addition to an existing garage at their residence at 18509 Pike View Way.  The addition will be stucco on the outside and roof will be asphalt shingles – all the same color as the existing structure.  Setbacks are in order and a County permit has been issued.  Required fee has been paid and the request was unanimously approved after a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Michelle Miller.

David and Julie Yack presented plans for construction of a single dwelling at 3850 Mesa Verde Drive.  The house will be 5320 square feet with 3220 finished.  The exterior will be stucco with asphalt shingles.  All colors are earth tone.  Appropriate fees have been paid. Plans were unanimously approved after a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Beth Lonnquist pending an El Paso County building permit.

{tab=Old Business}

Old Business: The Courage to Change house at 18375 Spruce Road was discussed at length and questions from guest residents were answered by the Board.  Beth Lonnquist stated that El Paso County Development Services has determined Courage to Change is not a group home and needs to re-apply by this Friday, 12 August 2016, for a special permit as a business…not as a group home.  If it is indeed called a business, then that violates present RRRHOA covenants and probable action could be more effective.

Attorney Lenard Rioth has recommended against suing owner John Green, owner of the house on Spruce Road.  He further recommended sending certified letters to Mark Gebhart, Chip Taylor and Bert Warhol requesting governmental action – David Weber will send these letters.

Covenants were again discussed about changes and ways to contact residents to vote for any suggested changes to be made.  Michelle Miller volunteered to re-type the covenants, so we have an electronic version, and not just a scanned-in version. Covenant changes were split into two areas: Single Family Residence definition and Business Use.  She will add the new “Single Family Residence” definition suggested by Lenard Rioth.  It was proposed this issue will likely be easily approved by all of the Homeowners.  Business Use still needs more discussion and we may need to go through this process again.  It was suggested business use could be handled by a committee, similar to the Architectural Control or just create policy rather than have a covenant change. Main concerns for businesses on the Ranch were not having employees for home businesses, signs in front of homes advertising a business, or no Bed and Breakfast businesses

David Weber agreed to contact attorney Lenard Rioth to ascertain whether or not we are proceeding in the right direction and ask about the vote by residents so no one can accuse the Board of any chicanery.

{tab=New Business}

New Business: The grass at Nevins Park needs to be mowed and Jim Bergeron will contact Clair Brenneman, who has satisfactorily mowed it in the past, to do the job.

Acting President David Weber made a motion to move Board member Kelly McGuire to a non-voting emeritus status because of his chronic health issues.  It was agreed upon by all members present.

The annual picnic/business meeting was discussed and Board members divided the tasks about who would take various foods, drinks, paper plates, etc.  David Weber will provide a grill for cooking meats.  Residents attending are asked to take a side dish to share.

Resident Kevin Guy was present as a guest and volunteered to join the Board as a Director.  The Board agreed following a motion made by Beth Lonnquist and a second by Frank Chuba.

With the departure of Mark Fears as President, Beth Lonnquist volunteered to assume that position.  The Board accepted her as President following a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by David Weber.

Jim Bergeron said he was asked by resident Michaele Duncan to announce that Electra Johnson will speak about fire mitigation at the Palmer Lake Town Hall on Tuesday, 16 August 2016 at 1800.  She has a strong background on the subject according to Mrs. Duncan.

Acting President David Weber mentioned letters from three residents on the Ranch:

  1. Resident PK Robinson, 4625 Limestone Road, wrote about vandalism to a window on his vehicle that was shattered by what appeared to be a paint ball. His concern was for the safety of homes and children on the Ranch.  The Board felt this was a matter for the El Paso County Sheriff Office.
  2. Resident Susan Permut of 4635 Limestone Road wrote that she noticed several blue spruce trees have been invaded by tussock moths and asked if someone could talk about the pest.  David Weber said he would invite the El Paso County Master Gardener to talk and send out an e-blast to residents who might be interested in attending.
  3. Resident Lucy McGuire wrote about dogs running loose and acting in a threatening manner at 4885 Sandstone Road and 17970 Granite Circle.  She states there are six dogs at the Sandstone residence and has talked to the owners to no avail. The Board recommended that she contact El Paso County animal control and they will take action as evidenced by a similar problem on Vista Grande Drive where the offender was given 72 hours by animal control officials to rectify the problem or face possible fines.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2021 on a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Fred Lanyon.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be the annual picnic/business meeting at noon on Saturday at Nevins Park, Saturday, 27 August 2016.


Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron 

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA



Note: These minutes are in draft form and are not official until approved at the next meeting on 27 August 2016.
