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          Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

                                                10 July 2017




Presiding: Beth Lonnquist

Present: Beth Lonnquist, Fred Lanyon, Jim Bergeron, Frank Chuba, Kevin Guy, Bill Griffith, Jim Zalmanek

Guests: Skip Koebbeeman

The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1902.

As per HOA policy, Mr. Skip Koebbeman was allowed to present his request for solar panels on the roof of his residence at 4635 Limestone Road. The present roof is made of steel and has a 50 year warranty and the solar panels have a 20 year warranty. The panels will not be visible from the street and will be on the south side of the house. The request was approved following a motion made by Fred Lanyon and a second by Frank Chuba. The required fee was paid.

The minutes of the 12 June 2017 minutes were approved as written following a motion to approve by Fred Lanyon and a second by Jim Zalmanek.

Treasurer’s Report: The bank balance is $13,301.32. Year to date income includes $5,065.00 from 101 residents paying voluntary dues, $119.00 in Architectural Control fees, and $2.36 in interest for a total of $5,187.16.

Expenditures amount to $2.131.38 to date that includes $1,125.00 to Tri Lakes Disposal, $313.23 to Tri Lakes Printing, $125.00 to CONO, $50.00 to People’s National Bank, $50.00 to NEPCO, $27.00 State filing fee, and $5.21 to Fred Lanyon.


Architectural Control: Chairman Frank Chuba introduced a request from Kevin Burdine of 4865 Limestone Road to replace a weather beaten roof with a vertical metal panel one and also build a garden with a permanent roof for hail and deer protection. After examining the plans, the Board agreed for the roof replacement request following a motion made by Frank Chuba and a second by Fred Lanyon. There was concern by the Board about the roof on the garden cover and approval was delayed until Frank Chuba discusses it with Mr. Burdine and the neighbors.

A request was submitted by Tom Owens of 4670 Limestone Road for a detached garage with siding and a roof to match the existing house. The plans were reviewed by Board members and the fee has been paid. Conditional approval was made following a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Jim Zalmanek pending a building permit from the county and a soils test.


Old Business: A first letter sent to John Green concerning his property on Spruce Road was not answered. One letter was returned as undeliverable and a second one with a return receipt signed by a Lisa Jensen was received by the Board. A second letter was sent on 06 July 2017 in accordance with covenant policy. If no response to the second letter, a third will be sent in the prescribed time period. If no response is received after the third letter, a date will be set for a hearing in August. The Board discussed a hearing at length and decided it would be wise to ask Colorado Council of Neighborhood Organizations (CONO) for assistance since they have had experience in these matters and offered their help at no cost to RRRHOA.

The annual picnic will be held on Saturday, 26 August 2017 with Fire Department Battalion Chief Jamey Bumgarner giving a Firewise presentation. Residents will be asked to sign up for next year regarding a free lot mitigation evaluation, chipping on individual properties, and volunteering to help mitigate.

A Postcard will be mailed to residents advising them of the picnic, the guest speaker, the sign-up mentioned above, and a reminder about dues.

Firewise: The Association may not be able to obtain funds for slash, but have contracted with Friends of Black Forest for help with mitigation and chipping. The Board has allocated $750 for chipping in June of 2018. This was approved by the Board following a motion made by Kevin Guy and a second by Bill Griffith. Discussion was continued with how the remaining mitigation chipping will be done if there is more chipping still to be done in the HOA at that time. We will address that in the future.

We have contacted a volunteer organization to mitigate a home in the neighborhood on 26 August 2017 at 0800 for a resident who is disabled. We would like to ask for other residents to volunteer and become safety trained and help mitigate. There is a committee of 6 residents who made a tour of the neighborhood with a Forest Service Representative and are currently putting together a Community Wildfire Preparedness Plan (CWPP). We will continue to look for more resources in the community.

New Business: A resident requested that milkweed plants on the Association land holding the school bus stop on Red Rock Ranch Drive be spared during mowing. She said they are needed to support butterflies that thrive on them and she volunteered to mark the plants so the mower can avoid them. The resident who does the mowing is a volunteer who receives no pay. The milkweed plants will be marked, and if the plants are scattered and unavoidable, the resident saving the milkweed plants can transplant the milkweed so it will not be so difficult to mow around, then he should continue to mow as he has done in the past.

President Lonnquist and Director Kevin Guy read the Association insurance policy of 95 pages and feel there are items in the policy that the RRRHOA does not need. The President will meet with the insurance broker to streamline the policy for next year.

Jim Bergeron said one of his neighbors was concerned about a fire pit near her house and wondered if there was anything in the covenants prohibiting such a thing. There is nothing in the covenants, but burning can be prohibited at various stages of Fire restrictions set forth by El Paso County. When restrictions are in place, the resident can call 911 and sheriff or fire department personnel will come out and issue a warning or a ticket.  Jim will inform the neighbor who raised the question.

President Lonnquist asked for a volunteer to replace David Weber as Treasurer who is resigning his position. There were no takers and Frank Chuba raised the question of possibly having two treasurers who could share the duties when one is absent due to vacations, illness, etc. Additionally, the Board is understaffed by one member even before the treasurer’s resignation, so members were asked to recruit new people for Board positions.

The next NEPCO meeting will be held on Saturday15 July 2017 with presentations from water boards.

Future projects: Repair cracks in the cement at the tennis court and repair fences outlining the Association property.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2044 after a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Jim Zalmanek.


The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Saturday, 14 August 2017 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument and the annual business meeting/picnic will be held at noon on Saturday, 26 August 2017 at Nevins Park.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA




Note: These minutes are in draft form and are not official until approved at the 14 August 2017 meeting.

