Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

                                                         09 September 2019



Presiding: Beth Lonnquist


Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, P.K. Robinson, Jamie Madison, Shannon Kittelson, Bill Griffith, Paul Tillotson, Kevin Guy


Guests: Julia Pheteplace, Amy and Matt Hartley, Ryan Madison, Brad Bryant (builder for the Hartley’s)


The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1901.  


Guest and Red Rock Ranch resident Julia Pheteplace expressed a desire to join the Homeowners Association.  She introduced herself and gave the Board a brief bio of herself.  Bill Griffith made a motion to accept her as a Board member and that was unanimously accepted following a second by P.K. Robinson.  By joining, the nine positions for Board members are now complete.


Architectural Control: Amy and Matt Hartley presented a request to build a house at 18365 Forest View Road.  It will be a 6,000 square foot building including a garage and deck.  Colors were shown, as well as siding made of metal.  The Board discussed the metal siding, but after seeing pictures showing the siding looking like wood, that was approved. The request to build was approved pending a building permit number and approval of hookup from Forest View Acres Water District.  The fee was paid.  Motion to accept made by Bill Griffith, seconded by Kevin Guy and approved unanimously.

     Resident Paul Tillotson requested permission to replace an existing deck at his residence, 18250 Spruce Road.  It will be the same color and material.  Fee was paid.  Approved by the Board after a motion by Jim Bergeron and a second by Kevin Guy.

     Resident Victor McBride requested permission to put a hot tub on his property at 3885 Sierra Vista Road.  It will be hidden from the road and approval was granted after a motion by Shannon Kittelson and a second by Kevin Guy.  The fee has been paid.

     Resident John Green requested permission to replace shingles on his house at 18375 Spruce Road.  Approved and fee paid.

     Hans Zimmerman requested permission to replace shingles on his residence at 18330 Spruce Road.  Approved by the Board.


The minutes of the 17 August 2019 annual picnic/ meeting were read and unanimously approved following a motion by Bill Griffith and a second by Paul Tillotson.


Treasurer’s Report: The August report was read to residents at the annual picnic/meeting and recorded in the published minutes, but not approved at that time.  Motion to approve the August report made by Kevin Guy with a second by P. K. Robinson.  All Board members concurred.

     September Report:


                                    Bank balance…………… $19,255.23

                                    Contributions……………. …..450.00

                                    Architectural fees…………….196.70

                                     Bank Interest………………… 00.65


                                 Picnic Mailer…………………$119.84

2019 Firewise Contributions/Expenses:

Payment: $2,014.15      Receipt: $3,575.00       Balance: $1,560.85

HOA resources as of the end of August are $19,255.23


September Treasurer’s Report accepted after a motion by Julia Pheteplace and a second by Jamie Madison.


Old Business:

     Cyber Policy:  Paul Tillotson explained the workings and security measures for the Association website.  Only he and Kevin Guy have “keys” to access e-mail addresses, other sensitive information, and all backup is done monthly.  Nothing on the site is shared or sold. Paul Tillotson will put together a cyber policy next month with regards to the web site and the HOA’s use of e-mails collected.

     Web Site: Paul Tillotson will put together a contact tab that does not require an outlook password.  The change in the date for the October meeting has been posted and the November meeting will be on the 11th even though it is Veteran’s Day.

     Firewise: Chipping dates are scheduled for 21 September and 12 October.  The next Firewise meeting is on the 19th of September.  There was discussion about clearing the scrub oak on the Nevins Park property and involving the Firewise Committee, but that is on hold until insurance coverage is made in November.


New Business:

     Insurance: President Lonnquist has bids out to three insurance companies to see what is available for coverage for the Association.  Volunteer insurance is needed to cover any HOA members running the chipper in the future.

     Chickens: Director Jamie Madison presented wording for the proposed change to RRRHOA covenants to allow up to ten chickens (no roosters) per household and it was discussed by Board members.  Changes in wording were suggested and that will be re-written in the proposal.  Also discussed was the process for gathering signatures to change covenants once the wording is finalized and approved by the Association attorney.

     Park: Director P. K. Robinson presented a draft of Park goals for discussion by Board members.  Director Jamie Madison spoke of grants, some of which are matching and for specific projects.  Treasurer Bill Griffith has information gleaned from responses made by residents about the Park and will share that with Jamie.  Minor tasks will be accomplished by Board members such as digging out cracks in the tennis court concrete, filling said cracks, weeding, erecting a basketball hoop(s), and possibly install pickle ball courts.  Work must be done before November because of weather concerns.  Also discussed was the thought of hiring a professional to do more work at the Park, but with limited resources, that is on hold.  Major work will be planned for next spring when weather should not be a factor.  Bids for mowing the grass at the Park are needed and Director Jamie Madison volunteered to follow up on that.

     President Lonnquist asked for a volunteer to assume the role of Architectural Control Chairman and Director Shannon Kittelson agreed to take that on.


The regular meeting was adjourned at 2044 and the Board went into Executive Session at that time.

The Executive Session ended at 2111.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2112 on a motion by Jim Bergeron, seconded by Bill Griffith and the motion was carried unanimously.


The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 21 October 2019 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street in Monument.


Respectfully submitted,




Jim Bergeron 

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
















