Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
21 October 2019
Presiding: Beth Lonnquist
Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, P.K. Robinson, Kevin Guy, Julia Pheteplace,
Jamie Madison, Shannon Kittelson
Guests: Dave Pheteplace, Scott Miller, Ryan Madison, Dr. David Bohn
Meeting called to order at 1902.
The minutes of the 09 September 2019 meeting were read and approved unanimously after a motion by Julie Pheteplace and a second by Kevin Guy.
Guest Scott Miller presented a text (attached) that he requested be included with any petition that goes forward to RRRHOA members regarding amending the RRRHOA covenants to allow chickens.
Architectural Control: Resident Edward Contract, 3520 Mesa Verde Road, requested permission to erect a fence of 600 square feet on his property. It will be a two-rail split fence of Western red cedar with two arched gates. Fee paid. Motion to accept request made by Julie Pheteplace and a second by Shannon Kittelson. Board concurred.
Amy and Matt Hartley of 18365 Forest View Road were granted permission at the September 2019 meeting to build a house at that address and paid a $600.00 fee and since the sale did not go through, they have requested a refund of their $600.00 payment. It was agreed among Board members that it was a reasonable request and a motion to refund the $600.00 was made by P. K. Robinson, seconded by Julie Pheteplace with concurrence from the Board.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bank balance is $20,817.89
$1,000.00……………….Firewise (NFPA)
650.00……………….ACC Fees
0.66………………..Bank Interest
$88.00………………..Attorney Fees
Total contributions for 2019 …………$9,490.00
Total ACC Fees to date………………..2,375.40
2019 Firewise Contributions/Expenses
Payment Receipt Balance
$2,014.15 $3,575.00 $1,560.85
Treasurers Report accepted following a motion by P.K. Robinson and a second by Kevin Guy.
Firewise: Guest Dave Pheteplace gave a presentation about Firewise on the Ranch and it was noted that he is now certified in that field by NFPA (National Fire Protection Association). There was recent news in the Colorado Springs Gazette about the Firewise program and the Red Rock Ranch was mentioned which is good publicity. Red Rock Ranch is one of seven sites in the nation that is noted for excellence, and Dave Pheteplace feels it is probably number one. He said he is ready to assess any property on Red Rock Ranch for owners who are interested in fire mitigation. On 10 October 2019 he attended a meeting at the Tri Lakes Fire Station that included the CEO of NFPA, State Representative Terri Carver, Forest Service reps, CUSP personnel, Tri Lakes Fire Department, the Gazette newspaper and KOAA TV.
Dave volunteered to remove chipping/trash from the Nevins Park and the Board will pay dumping fees of up to $40.00. Motion to pay was made by Kevin Guy with a second from Shannon Kittelson.
Old Business: Jamie Madison spoke of efforts to obtain grant money for Nevins Park up-grades, but discovered that most granters felt the need is greater elsewhere, especially in poorer communities. She suggested volunteer work by the RRR Board and residents to upgrade the tennis court such as repairs to cracked concrete, basketball hoops, and pickle ball courts. She was unable to find anyone for grass cutting, so Clair Brenneman will be asked to mow. Jim Bergeron will contact him for the job.
Jamie Madison: The chicken proposal is written. She will attempt to gather the 150 or more signatures by going door-to-door before a vote can occur. Legal advice is also necessary and the vote must be by U.S mail. President Beth Lonnquist will write an article for the web site advising residents that the petition drive will be forthcoming.
Insurance: President Beth Lonnquist has worked diligently to obtain insurance coverage for the Association with bids out to three companies and it is down to two companies of brokers. The pros and cons of each company were discussed at length among Board members. President Lonnquist will contact agent Matt Waddell and have Board members vote electronically before the end of October on the amount of coverage.
New Business:
CONO Law Day is 09 November 2019 in Colorado Springs from 0845 to noon.
NEPCO is also 09 November 2019 from 0900 to noon at the Monument Police Station.’
Kevin Guy volunteered to write a proposal for Business Allowed Policies for RRRHOA.
Jim Bergeron lauded President Lonnquist for her diligence in attending all but one meeting in Denver for the depositions concerning the on-going law suit, as well as paying $20.00 each day for parking.
New Sales:
4880 Sandstone- John and Laura Quinian
18150 Aspen Way- Bill and Debra Dover
18375 Spruce Road- Teresa and Oliver Clark
Homes for Sale:
3830 Range View Road
4330 Red Forest Road
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 2053 on a motion by P.K. Robinson and a second by Kevin Guy.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 11 November 2019 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
Scott Miller Memorandum...
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