Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
13 January 2020
Presiding: President Beth Lonnquist
Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, Julie Pheteplace, Jamie Madison, Bill Griffith, Paul Tillotson, Kevin Guy
Guests: None
The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1900.
Minutes of the 09 December 2019 were approved electronically.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bank Balance: ……………..$15,078.71
Deposits:……………………….….25.00 (ACC Contribution)
0.54 (Bank Interest)
Expenses:………………………… 34.00 (Firewise Support)
382.50 (CUSP – Firewise)
467.50 (CUSP – Firewise)
100.00 (PO Box Rental)
152.66 (Firewise Support)
200.00 ( Tri Lakes Cares)
600.00 ( ACC Refund, Hartley residence)
Total Annual Interest 6.69
Total Contributions for 2019 9,615.00
Total ACC Fees to date 1,825.40
Contribution percentage 59%
Treasurer’s Report accepted by the Board after a motion to accept by Julie Pheteplace and a second by Paul Tillotson.
The 2020 budget submitted by Treasurer Bill Griffith at the December meeting reviewed by the Board with minor changes/additions suggested. The amended budget will be voted on by the Board at the February 2020 meeting.
Old Business:
Policies written by Kevin Guy were reviewed, as well as current covenants with several changes/deletions/additions suggested such as deleting the term group homes, RV parking on the Ranch and clarifying single dwellings. Attorney Meredith McDonald had suggested in the past that the Board have an attorney familiar with HOA’s review and fine-tune all changes. Julie Pheteplace volunteered to do the typing involved.
Insurance: The Association has D and O insurance from HUB for one year and general liability from State Farm. Coverage is still needed for volunteer accident insurance. Originally, State Farm was thought to have offered it, but their policies have since deleted that coverage. President Lonnquist continues to follow up on that.
Firewise: There will be four months with dates to be announced for chipping in 2020; May, June, August and September. The chipping will use equipment of CUSP for two dates and Tri Lakes Fire Department for the other two.
New Business:
Annual Meeting: The annual resident’s meeting will be held on 13 April 2020 at 1900 in Woodmoor’s The Barn. The fee for renting The Barn is $40.00 for two hours, plus a $500.00 deposit for damages. The $500.00 check will not be cashed unless there are damages. The $40.00 is a courtesy from one HOA to another since the usual fee would be $50.00. The $540.00 was approved following a motion by Kevin Guy and a second by Julie Pheteplace.
Park/Tennis Court: Jamie Madison continues attempts to find funding to improve the park and tennis court. It was felt by the Board that volunteer work can spruce up the tennis court and Jamie Madison suggested xeriscaping around the area. President Lonnquist asked Board members to bring dates to the next meeting when they are available for helping with work at Nevins Park.
Future Dates: The annual picnic/business meeting will be on 15 August 2020 at noon in Nevins Park.
The spring Ranch cleanup will be on 05 and 06 June 2020.
Newsletter: The HOA newsletter needs to be mailed by 13 March 2020, four weeks before the annual owner’s meeting. Covenants, the park and budget will be mentioned and Board members are invited to add articles of interest.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was ended at 2011 on a motion by Julie Pheteplace and a second by Paul Tillotson so the Board could go into Executive Session.
Executive Session ended at 2027. The meeting adjourned at 2028 after a motion to adjourn by Kevin Guy and a second by Paul Tillotson.
The next regular meeting will be at 1900 on 10 February 2020 at Tri Lakes Cares, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA