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            Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

                                                   17 February 2020




Presiding: President Beth Lonnquist


Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, P.K. Robinson, Jamie Madison, Shannon Kittelson, Bill Griffith, Kevin Guy


Guests: Skip Chang


The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1901.


It is noted that the regularly scheduled meeting for Monday, 10 February 2020 was cancelled because of inclement weather and rescheduled for this meeting on 17 February 2020.


Minutes of the 13 January 2020 were approved after a motion to accept by P.K. Robinson and a second by Jamie Madison.


Architectural Control:  Resident Skip Chang of 18439 Forest View Road presented plans for extensive landscaping at his property (see attachment) that will include a gas fire pit and a recycling water pond. After reviewing the plans, the Board agreed to the project after a motion to accept by Shannon Kittelson and a second by Bill Griffith.


Treasurer’s Report:

 Ending bank balance…………………….$16,434.93

Deposits……………………………………….175.00 (Resident Contributions)

                                                                           958.68 (Firewise Contribution)

                                                                            175.00 (Resident Contributions)

                                                                             175.00 (Resident Contributions)

                                                                                  0.54 (Bank Interest)

Expenses………………………………………..    33.00 (DORA Renewal)

                                                                                 55.00 (NEPCO Dues)

                                                                                 40.00 (Rent for annual meeting space)


Current Outstanding Activity – not cleared by bank

Cyber Basement (Web site)……………………….$10.00

Total contributions for 2020                                     550.00

Contribution Percentage                                                3%

Contributors above $75                                                 4

Total ACC Fees to date                                               None


Treasurer’s Report accepted following a motion by P K Robinson and a second by Kevin Guy.


HOA Budget for 2020 (see attachment)

The 2020 budget was discussed by Board members and was accepted following a motion by Jim Bergeron and a second by Shannon Kittelson.



Old Business: Kevin Guy presented a draft concerning acceptable businesses on the Ranch that was discussed at length among Board members and whether it should be a policy or an amendment to the covenants.  The decision was to make it a policy and President Lonnquist said she would coordinate various points of the policy with Kevin Guy for approval by the Board.

Web Site: Kevin Guy said he has updated the web site with a calendar to include dates for meetings, picnic, Ranch cleanup, holidays and chipping dates.

Firewise: The four dates for chipping in 2020 are 13 June, 11 July, 08 August and 12 September.  Residents can sign up at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Dues must be paid to be eligible for chipping.  CUSP and Tri Lakes Fire District will do the chipping; CUSP will be paid for their efforts and at this time it appears Tri Lakes Fire District will not charge. Board member Julie Pheteplace volunteered to attend future Firewise meetings.  Board members are encouraged to get a home assessment to harden their homes against fire and to set an example for neighbors to also get an assessment. To schedule a home assessment, contact Dave Pheteplace at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Newsletter: President Lonnquist will edit, send to Board members for approval by Friday, 21 February, and if approved, will print and mail to residents.


New Business: President Lonnquist said the search for volunteer insurance is continuing.


Future Dates: 05 and 06 June 2020 are dates scheduled for Nevins Park cleanup. That will include establishing a water friendly rock garden, painting the gazebo, fill cracks at tennis court, and paint surface. Board members will sign up to help with tasks at the April meeting. Firewise will thin out the stand of scrub oak on the Park.

13 April: Annual Member Meeting at Woodmoor’s The Barn.

05 and 06 June: Ranch spring cleanup.

15 August: HOA Picnic at Nevins Park.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2029 om a motion made by Kevin Guy and seconded by Shannon Kittelson.


The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 09 March 2020 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument.


Respectfully submitted,




Jim Bergeron 

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA

























