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March 14, 2022 Red Rock Ranch Home Owners Association Board Monthly Meeting

 Zoom meeting: started at 7:02pm.

 Board Members present:

 Elizabeth Lonnquist, Kevin Guy, Julie Pheteplace, Bill Griffith, Skip Chang, Doreen McLaughlin, Paul Tillotson, Mark Fears


 Matt Quinlan, Julie Yack

 Architectural Control: 

 There were no new requests but the Board did discuss whether there needed to be a new ACC request for changes to existing structures.  The consensus was maybe and probably if something is being enlarged.

 Approval of Minutes: 

 Paul motioned for approval with Bill having the second.  Board approved

 Treasurer’s Report: 

 The HOA started the month with $16,895.98.  $340.00 was spent on ballots. $10.00 went to Cyberbasement for the website.  There has been $540.00 collected for ACC requests.  No new Firewise expenditures.  There was a carryover of $801 for legal expenses.  Other expenses were $352.00 for insurance and $50.00 for the updated sign.

 There has been $1525.00 in contributions, $750.00 of that was from David Jones for the pickle ball court.  $400.00 in contributions came in this last month.  There have been 7 contributions over the recommended $75.00. Bill reported the budget as holding steady.

 Julie motioned for approval with Skip having the second.  Board approved.

 Old Business:

 The website needs new articles and it was suggested that old articles should be kept available on the website.  Beth had a suggestion for a new community article.

Bill motioned for approval and Julie seconded.  Board approved.

 Kevin proposed the adoption of electronic voting for HOA members.  Board discussion focused on the need to understand pertinent regulations, how to do secret ballots.  It was suggested that CONO would be a source for guidance.  Also, Bruce Barron might have information.  Skip wanted the Board to be sure that people that aren’t very tech savvy aren’t left out.


 Firewise had a February meeting and is planning on four chipping events.  July 16 and August 13 are on the calendar so far.  TriLakes FD will be assisting.  Julie is putting information together for lower Red Rocks Ranch and is planning on distributing that with welcome packages also including evacuation information.

 Camping @ Mt. Herman:

 Board discussed ongoing extended camping at Mt. Herman trailhead.  There was a question of whether there was a fire ban at that location and how long someone can camp there.  It was noted that there is trash and broken glass at the trail head and possible illegal firepits.  The location is in Nat. Forest property and is subject to those rules and regulations.

 Cleanup Day:

 Dumpsters will cost $640.00 each and will be 30yd. dumpsters.  There will be a charge of $70.00 per ton over 40 tons.  It was discussed that the park will need to be monitored during the time the dumpster are there.

 Skip motioned for reserving the larger (more expensive) dumpsters and Bill had the second.  Board approved.


 D&O insurance due in May.  WC necessary for Firewise and other volunteer activities. Dates  need to be posted  before the event for coverage.

 Forest View Acres Water District:
FVAWD will have an election in May.  Their board has three positions open.


Julie motioned for approving the printing of the newsletter and including a return envelope.  Bill had the second.

Bill also reported that he had nine ballots returned but had been able to readdress six of the returns.

Bill also suggested that the ballot be available off of the website.  Skip motioned for approval and Bill had the second.  Board approved.

Beth was going to work with Paul for the location of the tab on the website.

Lawsuit settlement:

There is ongoing work for developing a PDF with a watermark so that the settlement can be accessed from the HOA website.  Paul, Doreen, and Kevin are coordinating that work.  Matt Quinlan volunteered to help with the watermark development.

Skip motioned for approval and Kevin seconded.  Board approved.

April 11th member meeting:

There are minutes to be approved at the April 11th meeting.  Also, there needs to be a discussion about voting on poultry after the present voting is concluded.

Beth had some suggestions for covenant changes to be discussed at the member meeting and it was noted that a lawyer should be used to edit possible changes.

Kevin noted that it is very expensive to rewrite a covenant and many HOA’s try to consolidate amendments as much as possible to avoid confusion and cost.

Welcoming Committee:
Julie said it had not been started up at the time of the meeting but she was still working on getting four or five residents to help with making welcoming baskets that would include HOA information along with Firewise information.  It was noted that getting contact info during visits would be helpful.

Around the Zoom:

Beth said she would be writing a letter to the Forest Service about community concerns over camping, fire pits, etc.

Skip mentioned the possibility of making a directory of people who can help with snow removal.

Skip motioned to adjourn and Bill seconded.  Board approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.

