May 8, 2023 Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
Board Members: Elizabeth Lonnquist, Rosalia McKean, Shannon Kittleson, Bill Griffith, Julie
Pheteplace, Laura Quinlan, Scott Miller, Mark Fears
Guests: David Yack, Julie Yack, Matt Quinlan
Meeting started at 7:03pm
Executives were voted on by the Board as follows:
Bill nominated Elizabeth for President, Julie had the second. Kevin nominated Scott for Vice
President and Rosalia had the second. Laura nominated Mark for Secretary and Bill had the
second. Bill was nominated as Treasurer by Rosalia with Shannon having the second. The
Board approved all nominations.
President - Elizabeth Lonnquist
Vice President - Scott Miller
Secretary - Mark Fears
Treasurer - Bill Griffith
Tod Teska submitted a fencing request. He has already paid the fee and Shannon is confirming
the placement in regards to lot lines. Mark motioned for approval and Laura seconded. Board
March Minutes:
There was a short review of the minutes and Julie motioned for approval. Bill had the second.
Board approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bill reported that there had been good participation in paying HOA dues. The balance at the
time of the report was $28,465.21. This is up from $22,436.18 at the beginning of the month.
There has been $6,160.20 in deposits from contributions and $50.00 from ACC fees. The $.20
is from interest accrued.
There is a carry over of $654.39 in contributions for FireWise. Insurance expenses at report
date are $352.00.
Activity that hadn’t cleared the bank as of the report date include $50.00 for the Cyber
Basement subscription, $1,686 for insurance and $110.86 for printing the newsletter.
Total contributions for 2023 are at $7,260. Total ACC fees for 2023 are $175.00. Contribution
percentage stands at 38.9% with 81 contributions. There have been 33 contributors that have
given more than the suggested $75.00.
There is no planned payment for a clean up day because it has been decided to cancel this
year’s clean up day.
Mark motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report. Kevin had the second. Board approved.
Old Business:
With Paul’s retirement, Kevin has responsibility for the website. He reported that the website
has been updated to 4.0 with no major problems. Kevin said Paul had done a good job in
updating/maintaining the site. The only ongoing issue is with the calendar. It didn’t port over
correctly after the update.
April minutes:
There is a message on the website regarding the April meeting/minutes. Also, there is an
update to the NEPCO meeting also.
In addition, on the website, there is an update on the new terms for the directors and it was
decided to have also a list of past directors included.
Julie volunteered to assist with the website due to Paul leaving the Board. Kevin suggested
Julie setup a practice session for Zoom administration. Bill said he would help.
Julie discussed trying to get more households to sign up to use FireWise. There will be signs
and banners announcing the next chipping dates. At this time, chipping is scheduled for
June 17 and August 12. David Yack asked if $654.00 is enough. There is another $500.00
budgeted for FireWise but it has not been moved into the FireWise account at this time.
Mark is going to work on a mowing schedule and Elizabeth volunteered Keith to help. It was
noted that the tennis courts needed to be weeded. Kevin is working on the sprinkler system.
The fence has been repaired by the City of Monument and road repairs have been started. The
large section of Red Rock Ranch Drive that is gravel will probably stay that way until July or
August due to additional testing on the newly installed water pipe.
Forest View Acres Water District:
FVAWD had a meeting on May 24. In an early meeting lawyers for Red Rock Acres
development were there trying to get clarification on their questions. Same issues with the
development were brought up again as there could some limit to the number of taps sold
depending on lot size/etc.
There was a discussion of what is appropriate to be discussed at RRRHOA board meetings in
regards to FVAWD. There are board members of the HOA that have spoused on the board of
FVAWD. No issues were brought up that seemed to impact either board and Kevin suggested
that the HOA could post information from the water board via a link on the website to FVAWD.
Annual Picnic:
The annual member’s Picnic will be August 26. Scott asked about the timing of the meeting
and whether an earlier date could be considered. He brought up that the timing in August
might prohibit some people/families from attending.
New Business:
The April member meeting went smoothly and the vote went well with the required number of
members/proxies to validate the voting.
Kevin has had to delay research into group rates for garbage collection. Julie said she could
help some with the research. The Board also discussed how to handle payments for the
collection and whether collections would/would not be tied into contributions. Rosalia asked if
participation would be voluntary. Bill was concerned about keeping collection fees and HOA
dues separate. There wasn’t a decision about implementing a new plan but Kevin said some
areas have seen a reduction of 30% in collection fees.
Chicken Amendement:
June 14th is the end of the comment period. There will be two options on the ballot. 51%
participation is required for the vote to be legal. There will be sixty days to return the ballots.
Laura gave an explanation to the changes and intentions in the wording of the ballot.
After the end of the comment period the final form of the ballot will be approved and then
posted on the website. The vote on the proposed amendment with then be held.
Round the Room:
There was a discussion about posting the names of owners that have paid the annual dues. It
was decided to not post any names. Kevin suggested a gift for Paul for all the hours he put in
to making the website run.
Julie motioned to adjourn. Mark had the second. Board approved. Meeting ended at 8:38pm.