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RRRHOA Monthly Board Meeting                                                          December 11, 2023

 Meeting Locations: Zoom meeting.  Meeting was called to order by President Lonnquist at 7:02pm

Board members in attendance: President Lonnquist, Director Pheteplace, Director Quinlan, Director Kittleson, Treasurer Griffith, Director Guy and Vice President Miller.

Resident guests in Attendance: Mr. Nowacki, Mrs. Yack and Mr. Pryor.

 Architectural Control:  Nothing new to approve

Approval of the minutes:  Vice President Miller made a motion to approve the November meeting minutes, Treasurer Griffith made the second.  The November meeting minutes were approved unanimously and will be posted to the RRR HOA website.


Treasurer’s report: Treasurer Griffith presented the monthly Treasurers Report.  Beginning balance was $30,066,70.  Additions were 24 cents bank interest and expenditures were $523.37 for FireWise, $188.00 for P.O. box rental, $1,831.83 for insurance premium and $37.06 for park flag replacement.  Ending balance is $27,486.68. Director Guy made a motion to approve the December Treasurers report and Vice President Miller made the second. The December Treasurers Report was unanimously approved.  Treasurer Griffith will present a budget comparison at the January meeting. 

Old Business:  

RRRHOA Board Meeting Rules and Standards of Conduct:  It was decided to take the proposed Rules & Standards of Conduct down from the website.  The RRHOA Board is reviewing proposals for a Meeting Rules and Standards of Conduct (MRSC) policy.  Proposals are currently under review and this effort will be taken up again in the 2024 year. 

Web Site:  Web site is up to date.  There was discussion about whether or not to post member emails to the board on the website with the minutes.  Director Guy created a check box on the contact the board link to give permission for the board to use members email addresses when they want to share information with the residents.  To add an email address to the list, go to rrrhoa.org and click on the Board of Directors link at the top menu.  Then click on Contact Board- complete name and email address and click the check box at the bottom. (Check Box to Authorize Email to be added to RRRHOA Broadcast Email List) President Lonnquist will compile the distribution list.

Mr. Pryor asked if there is a way to make the check box more obvious.  Director Guy is working on it.

Firewise:  FireWise is certified for 2023-2024

 Park Flag: Thank you to Mr. Pryor for installing new flag at park.  Thank you to President Lonnquist and Director Pheteplace for putting up the holiday decorations at the park.

Liability Insurance: New insurance is in place, should receive refund for previous policy.


Forest View Acres Water District:  Next meeting January 24

New Developments:  Red Rock Acres; looking for inclusion in the water district in January.

NEW Business:

Homeowner correspondence to the Board:

Mr. Pryor: Revision of meeting minutes- Meeting minutes will stand as written.  Mr. Pryor questioned why the RRR HOA is exempt from CCIOA.

President Lonnquist replied: Over the last several months, 2 of our more than 200 Homeowners Association (HOA) members have questioned whether the Red Rock Ranch (RRR) HOA Board is complying with the Colorado Statute governing HOAs, specifically the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA).  The Board obtained legal counsel from two law firms that specialize in HOA issues.  After reviewing the HOA documents, we were advised by counsel that the RRR HOA is exempt from most CCIOA compliance based on the following. 

The Board solidified the HOA position on CCIOA with legal guidance to further our exemption from CCIOA.  In 2017 the Board amended the Covenants to specify four statues from CCIOA the Red Rock Ranch HOA must comply with.

Then in 2022 the Board contracted with another legal firm that stated RRR is indeed exempt from based on multiple factors: Formation date of the HOA, the amount collected in annual dues.  Because our dues are donations and not mandatory, this puts the HOA in an additional position to not be required to follow all of CCIOA.

Greater than 51% financial support from homeowners allows the RRRHOA to pay for insurance and maintenance of open spaces, Firewise and other activities within the HOA.

Purchasing property within the RRRHOA area obligates owners to comply with Covenants/Declarations, as Covenants/Declarations go with the land. 

Mr. Nowacki:  Inquired as to which email address is best to address the HOA Board and suggested an acknowledgement of receipt.  Director Guy suggested the best and most secure way to communicate with the Board is to use the “contact the board” link on the website.  The President receives these emails and will provide an acknowledgement of receipt and a reply.  She will share pertinent information with the Board.

Resident concerns: Mr. Pryor reported that the fence at the entrance to the park is broken.  Mr. Pryor suggested to have a cup of coffee with Board members.

Round the room: Director Guy asked for volunteers to call trash companies.  Director Pheteplace and President Lonnquist volunteered.

Next Meeting: January 8, 2024

2024 dates:    January 8                      February 12                              March 11                       April 15 or 16

                        May13                           June 8 meeting & picnic              July 8                           August 12

                        September 9                 October 14                                November 11                 December 9

Large garbage day June 15.  Director Kittleson made a motion to approve 2024 dates and Director Guy made the second.  The 2024 dates were unanimously approved.

Director Quinlan made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Vice President Miller made the second.  The Board unanimously approved adjournment.  President Lonnquist adjourned the meeting at 7:47pm.

