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RRRHOA MONTYLY BOARD MEETING                                                  May 13, 2024

Meeting Location: Zoom meeting. Meeting was called to order by President Lonnquist at 7:01pm

Board members in attendance: President Lonnquist, Secretary Pheteplace, Director Quinlan, Director Guy, Director
Miller, Treasurer Griffith and Vice President Williams and Director Jones.

Resident guests in Attendance: Mr. Pryor.

Officer Appointments: President: Beth Lonnquist. Nominated by Director Pheteplace and second by Director Miller

Vice President: Craig Williams. Nominated by Director Pheteplace and second by Treasurer Griffith. Secretary: Julie
Pheteplace. Nominated by Director Guy and second by Director Miller. Treasurer: Bill Griffith. Nominated by Director Miller and second by Director Guy. All appointments were unanimously approved by the Board.

Architectural Control: No ACC requests were received this month.

Approval of the minutes: The preliminary approval of the April Member meeting minutes was postponed

Treasurer’s report: Treasurer Griffith reviewed the May treasurer’s report. Beginning balance was $28,976.31. There were $4,755.26 in deposits and $188.96 in expenses. The ending balance is $33,542.61. Director Pheteplace made a motion to approve the May balance and Director Guy made the second. The May treasurer’s report was unanimously approved. Treasurer Griffith inquired about investment possibilities with four local banking institutions (Air Academy Credit Union, Community Bank, ENT Credit Union and Wells Fargo bank). There was discussion regarding the options and the board agreed with Treasurer Griffith’s recommendation of transferring $20,000. The accounts are FDIC/NCUA insured and withdrawals can be made at any time with no penalty related to the remaining balance. Director Miller made a motion to approve the transfer and Director Jones made the second. The board unanimously approved the transfer.


Web Site:
Director Guy will update the website and post the educational article from Altitude Law. Paul Tillotson has
agreed to help with the website. Director Guy made a motion to approve the Altitude law article and Treasurer Griffith
made the second. The board unanimously approved posting the article.

Firewise: Monument Fire Department has given us 2 chipping dates, 29 Jun and 7 Sep. Signup at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We need volunteers to help with chipping; you can signup at the same website. There will be a controlled burn along Mt.
Herman Road in May or June.

Park: Director Miller will notify Park Committee members when the next committee meeting will occur. Director Miller got 2 bids on mowing the park and recommended Red Beard for $275 per mowing. Director Miller made a motion and Director Jones made the second.
The board unanimously approved hiring Red Beard to mow the park as needed. 

Forest View Acres Water District: Next meeting May 22.

Fundraising Committee: Director Quinlan suggested postponing until Fall.

Homeowner Correspondence: There was discussion about how frequently to respond to homeowner correspondence. Several homeowners send emails frequently and it is very time consuming to respond. Director Guy suggested prioritizing emails pertaining to FireWise and park issues. ACC requests will be addressed when received. Vice President Williams will work with Director Miller on this issue.

RRR HOA Meeting Rules of Conduct: Director Miller made a motion to implement the new policy after several 30-day reviews and revisions to the policy. Director Jones made the second and the board approved unanimously.

Annual Picnic: June 8 at noon at Nevins Park pavilion. Main dish and drinks will be provided by the Board. Please bring a lawn chair and a dish to pass.
Pulled Pork: Director Pheteplace
Chicken: President Lonnquist
Water: Director Jones
Soda: Director Guy
Garbage can: Director Guy

Next Meeting: June 8, 2024
2024 dates:
   January 8; February 12; March 11; April 22
   May13; June 8 meeting & picnic July 8 August 12
   September 9 October 14 November 11 December 9

Large garbage day June 15 & 16 8:00am to 4:00pm. Please do not drop off your items if there isn’t a Board member present. No paint or toxic items.

Members in attendance:

Resident Concerns: Mr. Pryor inquired why there was a special meeting on July 3 and July 13 meeting started 17 minutes late. President Lonnquist explained that the special meeting on July 3 was a quick meeting to approve the verbiage on the ballot regarding chickens. The regular monthly meeting was scheduled for July 10 but there was not a quorum so it was postponed to July 13. The meeting started late due to zoom technical issues. This information was already sent to Mr. Pryor. He continued to question the President and Director Guy interrupted. A discussion ensued between Director Guy and Mr. Pryor regarding harassment. President Lonnquist asked for a motion to adjourn. Director Pheteplace made a motion to adjourn and Vice President Williams made the second. The board unanimously approved and the meeting was adjourned at 8:39pm
