RRRHOA Montyly Board Meeting September 9, 2024
Meeting Location: Zoom Call. Meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 7:01 pm
Board members in attendance: President Beth Lonnquist, Vice President Craig Williams, Secretary Julia Pheteplace, Director Laura Quinlan, Director Scott Miller, Director Shannon Kittelson, Director Chris Jones, and Treasurer William Griffith. A quorum was established. Director Kevin Guy was absent.
Resident guests in Attendance: Ketch Nowaki, Craig Pryor.
Architectural Control: No ACC requests to be reviewed.
Approval of the minutes: A motion was made by Director Scott Miller to approve the August minutes. Vice-President Craig Williams made the second and the August meeting minutes were approved. Director Shannon Kittleson abstained as she had not yet read the minutes due to technical issue. The August minutes will be posted to the RRR HOA website.
Treasurer’s report: Treasurer William Griffith presented the September’s Treasurer’s report. Starting balance was $36,687.28. There were .27 cents in deposits and $20,893.47 in expenditures. Ending balance is $15,794.08. Treasurer Bill Griffith transferred $20,000 to a 6-month CD yielding 5% interest. FireWise has a balance of $900.28 which is included in the ending balance. Director Laura Quinlan made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Director Chris Jones made the second. The July Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously. Total member contributions for 2024 so far are $8,815.00.
Old Business:
Web Site: No update
Firewise: Two residences were chipped on Saturday, September 7 and then the chipper broke. Director Scott Miller is working on scheduling another date to complete the chipping that was on the schedule.
Forest View Acres Water District: Next meeting is September 25. FVAWD issued a notice of price increase. Residents may attend the meeting which is held at the Sanitation Building at 130 2nd street in Monument at 6:00 pm.
Homeowner Correspondence: The Board is working through homeowner correspondence and may respond at October meeting.
New Business; The Board received a “cease and desist” letter from a lawyer representing Mr. Craig Pryor. Director Scott Miller made a motion to allocate $5000 for legal expenses to give the Board guidance on moving forward. Vice-President Craig Williams made the second. The allocation of funds was approved unanimously.
Resident Guests Comments:
Mr. Craig Pryor asked if the board held a meeting last week. President Lonnquist responded that the special meeting that had been scheduled was cancelled.
Next Meeting: October 14, 2024
2024 dates: January 8 February 12 March 11 April 22
May13 June 8 meeting & picnic July 8 August 12
September 9 October 14 November 11 December 9
Director Chris Jones made a motion to adjourn and Treasurer Bill Griffith made the second. Adjournment was unanimous at 7:22pm and the Board went into Executive Session.