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RRRHOA Montyly Board Meeting                                                          August 12, 2024


Meeting Location: Zoom Call.  Meeting was called to order by Vice President Craig Williams at 7:01 pm

Board members in attendance: Vice President Craig Williams, Secretary Julia Pheteplace, Director Laura Quinlan, Director Scott Miller, Director Shannon Kittelson, Director Chris Jones, and Treasurer William Griffith. A quorum was established.  Director Kevin Guy and President Beth Lonnquist were absent.

Resident guests in Attendance: Ketch Nowaki, Craig Pryor and Matt Schuetz.

Architectural Control:  Director Shannon Kittelson presented an ACC request by Matt Schuetz for a split rail fence.  After discussion Secretary Julia Pheteplace made a motion to approve the fence and Treasurer Bill Griffith made the second.  The fence was unanimously approved.

Approval of the minutes:  A motion was made by Vice President Craig Williams to approve the July minutes.  Secretary Julia Pheteplace made the second and the July meeting minutes were approved unanimously and will be posted to the RRR HOA website.

Treasurer’s report: Treasurer William Griffith presented the August Treasurer’s report. Starting balance was $36,568.52.  There was $475.31 in deposits and $356.55 in expenditures. Ending balance is $36,687.28.  Treasurer Bill Griffith transferred $20,000 to a 6-month CD yielding 5% interest.  FireWise has a balance of $900.28 which is included in the ending balance.  Vice President Craig Williams made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Director Scott Miller made the second.  The July Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.  Total member contributions for 2024 so far are $8,735.00 from 100 contributors which is 48.08% of members.

Old Business:  

Web Site:  Domain license was renewed.

Firewise:  The next chipping date is September 7 and there are only 5 volunteers currently.  Director Scott Miller is reaching out to the community for more volunteers.


Park: Park committee met on July 26 via zoom and discussed possible options for park improvement.  Options being considered are playground equipment for ages 10 and up, basketball hoop, swing set and multifunction equipment.  It was agreed by all board members to use commercial grade equipment. Director Scott Miller will check with insurance company to see what impact the equipment will have on our policy.

Forest View Acres Water District:  Next meeting August 28.   Matt Quinlan provided information on recent waterline break which was broken by a builder digging foundation on Redstone Ridge.  The pipe was repaired quickly with minimal inconvenience to residents.  The interconnect to Monument water tank is in process at the park.

Flagpole:  The flag pole in the park was replaced. Thanks to Director Chris Jones, Vice President Craig Williams and Dave Pheteplace.  A locking device will be added to prevent/deter theft.

Homeowner Correspondence:  The Board is working through homeowner correspondence and will respond at September meeting.

Ketch Nowacki asked what happens to park and bus stop properties if the requirements of the deed are not met. 

Next Meeting: September 9, 2024

2024 dates:    January 8                      February 12                              March 11                       April 22

                        May13                           June 8 meeting & picnic              July 8                           August 12

                        September 9                 October 14                                November 11                 December 9

Director Scott Miller made a motion to adjourn and Director Chris Jones made the second.  Adjournment was unanimous and Vice President Craig Williams adjourned the meeting at 7:29pm
