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RRRHOA Montyly Board Meeting                                                          July 8, 2024

 Meeting Location: Zoom Call.  Meeting was called to order by President Lonnquist at 7:00 pm

Board members in attendance: President Elizabeth Lonnquist, Secretary Julia Pheteplace, Director Laura Quinlan, Director Scott Miller, Director Shannon Kittelson, Vice President Craig Williams, Director Chris Jones, Director Kevin Guy and Treasurer William Griffith. A quorum was established.

Resident guests in Attendance: Ketch Nowaki

President Elizabeth Lonnquist thanked all who participated in the annual HOA picnic and the large garbage day.

Architectural Control:  Director Shannon Kittelson presented an ACC request for a gazebo on El Rancho Way.  Treasurer William Griffith made a motion to approve the request and Director Scott Miller made the second.  The request was approved unanimously pending clarification of 25-foot setback from property line.

Approval of the minutes:  A motion was made by Treasurer William Griffith to approve the June minutes.  Vice President Craig Williams made the second and the June meeting minutes were approved unanimously and will be posted to the RRR HOA website.

Treasurer’s report: Treasurer William Griffith presented the July Treasurer’s report. Starting balance was $34,299.63.  There was $2,268.89 in deposits and no expenditures. Ending balance is $36,568.52.  Director Julia Pheteplace made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Director Laura Quinlan made the second.  The July Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously. Treasurer William Griffith is working on an investment opportunity.  Total member contributions for 2024 so far is $8,385.00 from 96 contributors which is 46.15% of members.

Old Business:  

Web Site:  President Elizabeth Lonnquist recommended an article by FACO (Fire Adaptive Colorado) on wildfire mitigation and securing homeowners insurance to add to the information tab on the website. Director Chris Jones made a motion to approve the article for posting and Director Kevin Guy made the second.  The article was approved unanimously and will be posted on the website.

Firewise:  Director Scott Miller reported a successful chipping day on Jun 29th with 16 properties chipped by 15 volunteers and two Monument Firemen.  The next chipping date is September 7 and it is almost full. An additional date is being considered if there is more interest.  Director Miller made a motion to move the $500 that was budgeted for FireWise to the FireWise account which currently has a balance of $450.33.  This will give FireWise a balance of $950.33 to allow for rental of a chipper if the additional chipping date is needed.

 Park: Park committee met on June 13 and discussed possible options for park improvement.  No decisions were made.

Forest View Acres Water District:  Next meeting July 24. 

Homeowner Correspondence:  Complaints have been received on 3 properties with yards in disrepair. Homeowners are aware of the violation.  The Board will follow up to see if improvement is made.

Mrs. Yack scheduled a food truck in the park.  Covenants do not allow for commercial business on HOA property. The food truck has been cancelled.  Vice President Craig Williams made a motion to approve an email to Mrs. Yack and Director Chris Jones made the second.  The email was approved unanimously and will be sent to Mrs. Yack.

Ketch Nowacki acknowledged receipt of the Board’s response to his 3 April correspondence.   Issue closed.

Next Meeting: August 12, 2024

2024 dates:    January 8                      February 12                              March 11                       April 22

                        May13                           June 8 meeting & picnic              July 8                           August 12

                        September 9                 October 14                                November 11                 December 9

Vice President Craig Williams made a motion to adjourn and Treasurer William Griffith made the second.  Adjournment was unanimous and President Elizabeth Lonnquist adjourned the meeting at 7:38pm
