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                   Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

                                              08 October 2007

Presiding: Joline Lee

Present: Joline Lee, Bill Martin, Kelly McGuire, Frank Chuba, Phyllis Moore, David Weber, Fred Lanyon, Jim Bergeron

 Guests: Craig Ketels, John Fueshko, David Bohn

The meeting was called to order by President Joline Lee at 1902.

The minutes of the 10 September 2007 meeting were read and approved as presented following a motion by Fred Lanyon and seconded by Kelly McGuire.


Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance is $11,077.65.  130 residents have made voluntary donations of $4765 to date.  Architectural control fees amount to $931.15.  The liability and director’s insurance bill was received and amounts to $1550.00.  The Association also received a water bill for the Association Park in the amount of $6,029.00 for four months use.  Upon investigation by the Treasurer, it was discovered the meter was misread and the corrected bill was $60.00.  President Joline Lee asked that the minutes note the reading of the Association Park water meter on 03 October 2007 was 25927.

Fred Lanyon made a motion to accept the report; it was seconded by Phyllis Moore and passed unanimously by the Board.

Architectural Control: Resident John Fueshko requested permission to replace the present roof on his residence at 4675 Limestone.  The replacement shingles will be fire retardant asphalt Owens Corning brand and complement the color of the house.  Frank Chuba made a motion to accept, Phyllis Moore seconded the motion and the Board agreed unanimously.  A check of $25 for the fee and $35 for voluntary donation was given to the Treasurer.

Keith and Elizabeth Lonnquist of 18325 Spruce Road requested permission to add a deck to their existing home and submitted plans which were accepted by the Board members following a motion from Frank Chuba and seconded by Phyllis Moore. The $112 check submitted included the fee and voluntary contribution.

Brent Carrigan of 4645 Limestone requested permission to erect a 10’ by 12’ storage shed on his property.  He submitted plans and noted that the shed will be built in a stand of scrub oak so it is not noticeable.  He paid the $25 fee and his request was approved unanimously after a motion by Frank Chuba and seconded by Fred Lanyon.

Old Business: President Lee contacted Board members prior to the meeting and Director David Bohn said he would resign his position because of extensive future travel commitments which would interfere with Board meetings.

The house on Sandstone previously mentioned was again discussed.  According to neighbors and Board members, there are still 15 to 16 cars parked around the house at night on weekends.  There is no noise or any kind of disturbance noted, so the Board felt nothing can be done at this time since none of the neighbors have made complaints and there is no evidence of any illegal or improper activity going on.

Director Kelly McGuire reported on the number of children riding school buses in the Red Rock Ranch area.  According to officials in District 38, there are 151 children who are eligible to ride:

64 are elementary school age

87 are middle and high school age.

Jim Bergeron stated that he had not heard from Lyle Berger, president of Forest View Acres HOA regarding contributions from their association to the tennis court in the RRRHOA Park.  He will have the information at the next meeting.

New Business: The Board unanimously thanked Dr. David Bohn for his many contributions to the RRRHOA over the years.

A motion was made by Frank Chuba to have Craig Ketels fill the position vacated by Dr. Bohn.  That was seconded by Phyllis Moore and approved by the Board.

A neighbor of David Jack on El Rancho Way made a complaint about the condition of his home, such as lack of fresh paint and a tattered shake shingle roof.  After much discussion, it was agreed that the Board should become involved only after the neighbors meet face to face and discuss problems amicably.   Director Craig Ketels suggested contacting NEPCO for advice, but President Lee stated that NEPCO is amazed that RRRHOA operates without mandatory dues- apparently the only association in the area to do so.  Because of that, RRRHOA cannot legally do much in these cases (according to NEPCO).  However, the complaining neighbor can go to small claims court and the covenants would likely be enforceable.

Dr. Bohn suggested a written protocol be in place and followed for such complaints, rather than handle each one as it comes up.  Director Craig Ketels further suggested that the protocol be published on the website so all residents are aware of the stance of the Association.  Architectural Chairman Frank Chuba volunteered to write the protocol, but will first check with NEPCO to see if they have one in place.

The next NEPCO meeting will be on 10 November 2007 at a yet to be determined place.

Director Ketels volunteered to write a letter on all the options for the tennis court to be published in the next newsletter.

President Joline Lee said that she is ready to step down from her position and the November meeting will be her last as president; however, she will remain as a member of the Board.

With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 2009 on a motion by Fred Lanyon and seconded by Frank Chuba..

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 12 November 2007 in the Tri Lakes Fire Station on Highway 105.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron, Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
