Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

12 November 2007

Presiding: Joline Lee

Present: Joline Lee, Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Fred Lanyon, Phyllis Moore, Craig Ketels, Kelly McGuire

Guests: Lyle Berger

The meeting was called to order by President Joline Lee at 1902.

The minutes of the 08 October 2007 meeting were read and unanimously approved as presented on a motion by Fred Lanyon and seconded by Kelly McGuire.

Since President Joline Lee stated at the October meeting that she would remain as president of the board until the November meeting, the first order of business was to elect a new president.  Jim Bergeron made a motion nominating Craig Ketels as president; that motion was seconded by Phyllis Moore with concurrence from the remaining board members.

Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance is $9732.11.  132 residents have made voluntary donations to date.  Architectural control fees amount to $1083.15.  The liability and director’s insurance bill in the amount of $1550 was received and paid.  The Association Park water bill of $2.13 was received.

Fred Lanyon made a motion to accept the report; it was seconded by Phyllis Moore and passed unanimously by the Board.

Architectural Control: No report this month.

Old Business: Craig Ketels reported findings from the poll taken on the Association website concerning the tennis court:

·    45 (61.6%) voted to fix surface for multiple uses.
·    15 (20.5%) voted for continued use as tennis court only
·    5 (6.8%) said “take it out I never see anyone using it”
·    3 (4.1%) no opinion
·    2 (2.7%) leave it as is and save the money for future projects
·    2 (2.7%) my opinion depends on the cost involved
·    1 (1.4%) none of the above

A letter will be sent out with the next newsletter explaining the options in detail and homeowners will be given a ballot, one vote per household.  It will be stressed that their vote is important and a final decision will be made by the Board at the 10 March 2008 meeting.  The options are:

·    Do nothing
·    Spend approximately $3,000 on patching and painting the current surface
·    Spend $10,000 for a more complex repair including new net standards, new net and perimeter repair
·    Spend $25,000 for a total makeover with other options such as shuffle board court and basketball hoops.

Joline Lee will compose the annual letter and Craig Ketels will draft the letter about the tennis court.  A self addressed stamped envelope will be enclosed for residents to return the ballot and annual donation.  Jim Bergeron suggested including an approximate dollar amount per household for each of the options.

New Business: Guest Lyle Berger, President of the Forest View Acres HOA, addressed the Board and said there are 50 homes in his Association.  At their picnic/meeting held this summer, the majority of residents attending were in favor of contributing toward renovation of the tennis court if they are permitted using the facility.  He estimates they would contribute between $5,000 and $8,000.

Joline Lee stated that she met with Forest View Acres Water District President Rich Crocker and Water Operator Mike Bacon in the Association Park because of a concern that the water meter was not operating properly.  Mike Bacon tested it and pronounced it in good working order.
Director Phyllis Moore volunteered to water the landscaped area in the Park during this dry weather the area is experiencing.

Resident John Novotny again asked the Board to write a letter to El Paso County officials concerning the condition of roads throughout Red Rock Ranch, specifically repaving present surfaces and paving several dirt roads.  The Board discussed the matter and agreed to do so.  Jim Bergeron will write the letter and send it to County Commissioner Wayne Williams and members of the County Roads Department.

President Joline Lee stated that she receives regular correspondence from NEPCO and feels our membership is worth while.

President Lee reported an incident on Limestone where a speeding motorist nearly hit two small children.  There was an altercation between the driver and the grandmother of the children with the sheriff’s office being involved.  Residents are instructed to obtain the license plate number and a description of the car when involved in incidents such as this and report it to the sheriff who will take action.

The current Board of Directors consists of:

·    Craig Ketels………..President
·    Bill Martin…  ………Treasurer
·    Frank Chuba……….Architectural Control
·    Jim Bergeron……….Secretary/Recorder
·    David Weber……….Web Site Manager/Newsletter Editor
·    Joline Lee…………..Director
·    Phyllis Moore…….…Director
·    Fred Lanyon………..Director
·    Kelly McGuire………Director

Jim Bergeron thanked outgoing President Joline Lee for her diligence and good leadership during her tenure as president of the Red Rock Ranch HOA.  He also thanked her for the willingness to remain on the Board as a Director.

With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 1958 on a motion by Kelly McGuire and seconded by Fred Lanyon.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 10 December 2007 in the Tri Lakes Fire Station on Highway 105.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron, Secretary/Recorder
Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association
