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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

10 December 2007

Presiding: Craig Ketels

Present: Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Joline Lee, Phyllis Moore, Frank Chuba, David Weber, Fred Lanyon, Kelly McGuire, Craig Ketels

Guests: Gil Moore, Rich Crocker, James Warner

The meeting was called to order by President Craig Ketels at 1758.  It is noted that the December meeting time was changed from 1900 to 1800 for this month only, and residents were notified of the change via the Association web site.

The minutes of the 12 November 2007 meeting were read and unanimously approved as presented following a motion by Fred Lanyon and seconded by Phyllis Moore.

Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance is $9772.60.  The total income for the year to date is $6,023.15 and total expenses are $3,105. Architectural Chairman Frank Chuba gave a check in the amount of $25 to the Treasurer as payment from James Muir of 4385 Sandstone as a fence approval fee.  Phyllis Moore made a motion to accept the report, it was seconded by Frank Chuba and passed unanimously by the Board.

Architectural Control: James and Angela Warner requested permission to erect a detached garage next to their house at 18090 Forest View Road, as well as re-routing the driveway.  He presented plans, drawings and said the color and shingle composition would match the present home.  The fee will be $83.20 and a building permit is required.  Board members felt the plans were within covenants, except for the 25 foot setback.  Mr. Warner is unsure where his boundary pegs are despite using a metal detection device. It was agreed by the Board and Mr. Warner to table the plans until the January meeting.  In the meantime, Mr. Warner will contact El Paso County Regional Building Office for their advice on the setbacks.

Old Business: Jim Bergeron reported that the letter sent on 14 November 2007 to El Paso County Commissioner Wayne Williams, and three other County Department heads, concerning the condition of roads on Red Rock Ranch has gone unanswered.
Director David Weber stated he will have the January letter, with the tear off ballot, ready to e-mail Board members prior to the next meeting.  He asked for input, corrections or suggestions so a final decision can be made at that meeting.

New Business: Director Joline Lee stated that she approached a man using the tennis court who said he was from Sundance Estates.  He also said he repairs cracks in concrete and could patch and paint the existing tennis court for about $1,000.  That could be an option if the residents elect not to choose the capital improvement issue in the upcoming ballot initiative.
President Craig Ketels requested a financial history from Treasurer Bill Martin that would cover the year 2000 to present for use by Director Kelly McGuire when he composes the letter to residents asking for financial support for renovations at the tennis court.   The information of income and expenses each year will help determine the amount of donations requested from homeowners.  Director David Weber suggested a pledge of $100 rather than an outright donation be made.  Jim Bergeron suggested giving residents a choice of options such as $100, $150 or even $200.
Resident Gil Moore expressed his concern over security if the tennis court is completely renovated.  He fears that the interlocking pieces comprising the floor of the new court could easily be stolen and suggested a camera, motion detection lights and a hookup to a monitoring screen be considered.  Board members agreed that security is a concern, but questioned to cost of such devices.  Mr. Moore volunteered to research the cost of a camera, battery operated detection lights, and the monitoring devices and will have the information for the next Board meeting.
Rich Crocker, President of the Forest View Acres Water Board was asked to give an update on the new management company and expectations for the future.  He said the Board members are very satisfied with the new company which is very responsive and cost conscious.  Mr. Crocker also said residents are urged to check the web site (FVAWD.com) for information that is kept updated, and also to attend their meetings.

With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 1915 on a motion made by Fred Lanyon, seconded by David Weber and approved unanimously by the Board.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 14 January 2008 in the Tri Lakes Fire Station on Highway 105.

Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron, Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
