Meeting Minutes
12 May 2008 BOD Minutes
- Details
- Category: Board of Director Meeting Minutes
- Hits: 1613
12 May 2008
Presiding: Craig Ketels
Present: Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Phyllis Moore, Kelly McGuire, Fred Lanyon, Joline Lee, Frank Chuba, Craig Ketels
Guests: Gil Moore
The meeting was called to order by President Craig Ketels at 1901.
The minutes of the 14 April 2008 meeting were read and unanimously approved following a motion by Fred Lanyon and seconded by Phyllis Moore.
Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance is $14,674.76. Donations to date are $3,010 from 87 residents. Tennis court donations to date amount to $2,045 from 20 residents. Architectural control fees paid to date total $25.00. Expenses total $313.61.
Treasurer’s Report accepted unanimously following a motion by Joline Lee and a second by Kelly McGuire.
Architectural Control: Architectural Chairman Frank Chuba reports no new requests for the month and he has not heard from Mr. Warner regarding an El Paso County decision concerning the setbacks on his property.
Old Business: President Craig Ketels erected signs at two sites on the Ranch advising residents of the upcoming “Spring Clean Fling” during the weekend of 17 May 2008. A dumpster has been reserved and Board members will take turns monitoring the dumpster to assure that prohibited items are not dumped, and also ascertain that only Red Rock Ranch residents use the dumpster. The container measures 22 by 8 by 6 feet.
Board members will cover the following shifts:
0800 -- 1000 Kelly McGuire Fri- Craig Ketels
1000 -- 1200 Fred Lanyon
1200 -- 1400 Joline Lee on Sat and Sun Fri- Jim Bergeron
1400 -- 1600 Bill Martin
1600 -- 1800 Gil Moore
1800 -- 2000 David Weber
Note: Since all time slots were taken, Frank Chuba agreed to be on call.
Director Joline Lee stated that she had a telephone conversation with an El Paso County engineer concerning the stop sign at the corner of Spruce and Red Rock Ranch Drive and they are equally frustrated with efforts to prevent drivers from running the stop sign by driving around the barricades erected. The engineer did say if license plate numbers could be obtained from the scofflaws, traffic citations will be written. Since Joline’s conversation, Fred Lanyon did state more barricade posts have been put in place and he saw no further evidence of tire tracks in the non-paved immediate area.
The gas natural drilling proposal was brought up and Director Fred Lanyon gave an update on current events. There will be a meeting open to the public on 21 May at the Pinecrest Event Center in Palmer Lake at 1900. Free sodas and snacks will be provided, compliments of owner Nikki McDonald. Updates and strategies will be discussed at that time.
Director Kelly McGuire was able to obtain only one estimate for repairs to the tennis court. It was from Lopez Concrete and patching the cracks would cost $1850.00 plus $17,450.00 to peel off old paint and apply new paint to the tennis court floor.
New Business: President Ketels wants the Board to have definite plans for the tennis court project by the next meeting and then install a large “thermometer” on the Park property to inform residents of progress made toward the monetary goal. Director McGuire will attempt to obtain more estimates by the 09 June meeting. Treasurer Bill Martin will contact the insurer of the Park to ascertain whether liability costs would increase by allowing Forest View Acres HOA to participate in activities there. President Ketels said he will address the FVAHOA with updates as they occur.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1957 on a motion by Phyllis Moore, seconded by Frank Chuba and carried unanimously.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 09 June 2008 in the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street in Monument.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA