Meeting Minutes
14 July 2008 BOD Minutes
- Details
- Category: Board of Director Meeting Minutes
- Hits: 1555
14 July 2008
Presiding: Craig Ketels
Present: Craig Ketels, Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Kelly McGuire, Frank Chuba, David Weber,
Phyllis Moore
Guests: Ann Bevis
The meeting was called to order by President Craig Ketels at 1700. It is noted that this meeting started two hours earlier than usual by Board consensus and that change was posted on the Association website ten days in advance of the meeting.
The minutes of the 09 June 2008 meeting were read and unanimously approved following a motion by Kelly McGuire and a second by Frank Chuba.
Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance is $14,725.65. Donations to date are $4,115 from 118 residents. Tennis court donations to date amount to $2,070 from 22 residents. Architectural control fees paid to date total $25.00.
Treasurer’s Report accepted unanimously following a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by David Weber.
Architectural Control: Architectural Chairman Frank Chuba reported that he still has not heard from Mr. Warner regarding an El Paso County decision concerning the setbacks on his property.
Roland Harvey of 4750 Red Forest Road has started construction that was approved by the Board at the June meeting pending payment of fees, but Treasurer Bill Martin said he has not received a check as of this date. Chairman Frank Chuba said he will contact Mr. Harvey and remind him to remit the payment.
Old Business: Board member David Weber repaired the drip system in the Association Park at his own expense and refused compensation from the Board, for which the Board offered its thanks and appreciation.
Chairman Frank Chuba agreed to write a conflict resolution paper outlining the RRRHOA’s position on disputes between neighbors on the Ranch. That finalized paper will be ready for review and approval at the August meeting.
Kelly McGuire located a source for a tennis court net and crank which he said he can install.
Jim Bergeron received a telephone call from John Novotny who said he and Carl Gusler will repair the tennis court fence when Carl returns from vacation in one week. He asked that Board members Craig Ketels, Kelly McGuire and Jim Bergeron meet with him to show exactly what needs to be repaired.
New Business: Treasurer Bill Martin reported that he and his wife, Val, noted the drip system is not reaching all the plants and some are in dire straights. He feels some of the lines may be plugged with dirt and will require hand watering. President Craig Ketels offered the use of his garden hoses and will also back-flush the lines as suggested by David Weber. Mr. Weber mentioned there is a manual switch in the water box that can be used to determine where water is and is not flowing.
Kelly McGuire asked about the Association insurance policy and what it covers. Treasurer Bill Martin replied that there is a general liability policy costing $200 a year, plus a director’s liability policy that covers up to $1 million. The question was raised whether or not that would include groups such as the Knights of Columbus or the Forest View Estates HOA. Also mentioned was an insurance rider, i.e., could Forest View Estates have a rider if they agree to help with costs for the tennis court improvements? Treasurer Bill Martin will seek answers from former Farmers Insurance executive John Novotny and report back at the August meeting. David Weber suggested that NEPCO might also be a good source concerning HOA insurance.
David Weber will once again produce a newsletter for residents, and Board members are encouraged to submit articles they would like to see included, with a 30 July deadline. President Ketels has agreed to have the newsletter at Tri Lakes Printing by 06 August. Stuffing and sealing envelopes will take place at the 11 August meeting.
The annual picnic/business meeting, which will be mentioned in the newsletter, will be held on 06 September and Jim Bergeron was assigned cooking duties, Bill Martin will obtain drinks, and Joline Lee will purchase meat and bread products.
Guest Comments: Ann Bevis, a Red Rock Ranch resident and Forest View Acres Water Board member, asked about the Association’s stance on the current Dyad gas exploration drilling under Mount Herman. She was advised that the current position is the Board will be a conduit for information only. She feels the Board should develop a stance, neither pro nor con, but one that has the concerns of residents in mind. President Ketels agreed and said the Board should develop expectations within the next six to twelve months, considering the fact, as an example, that heavy trucks may be using Red Rock Ranch roads that were not meant for such high density usage since they may not be allowed to use Mount Herman Road’s bridge due to weight restrictions.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1746 on a motion by Frank Chuba, seconded by Bill martin and carried unanimously.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 11 August 2008 in the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street in Monument.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA