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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

08 November 2010

Presiding: Kelly McGuire

Present: Kelly McGuire, Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Frank Chuba, David Weber, Fred Lanyon

Meeting called to order at 1900.

The minutes of the 11 October 2010 meeting were read and unanimously approved as written following a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Fred Lanyon.

{tab=Treasurer's Report}Treasurer’s Report:

Bank balance is $13,181.95.  There have been 121 voluntary donations amounting to $4,605.  Interest to date totals $27.99 and expenses amount to $4,219.25, which includes a recent payment of 1839.00 for the annual insurance bill. Architectural control fees amount to $525.00.
The Treasurer’s Report was accepted following a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Frank Chuba.

{tab=Arch Control}Architectural Control:

Architectural Control Chairman Frank Chuba reports no new building permits or inquiries this month.

{tab=Old Business} Old Business:

President Kelly McGuire reported that four signs have been ordered to advertise the spring cleanup and the RRRHOA picnic.  They should be ready within a week and the cost was $81 each, plus the additional cost of rope and fixtures to affix them to posts along Red Rock Ranch Drive near the Association Park.

President McGuire also inspected the school bus stop mentioned in the October 2010 minutes and found hardened mud on the floor.  The floor appears not to be level and slants away from the entrance.  The concrete seems to be too thick to drill weep holes, so the solution appears to be a small ditch in front of the structure to prevent water from entering.  Director Craig Ketels will be asked if that can be accomplished using his new tractor.

The president contacted the Department of Transportation at 520-6460 and talked to John Klack about the condition of roads on the Ranch.  Mr. Klack said because of funding issues, there can be no overlaying on roads, and serious potholes will be patched as necessary, but no cosmetic work can be done.  It was noted by members that patching around the Ranch has taken place in many areas recently.

{tab=New Business}New Business:

No new business at this time.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1913 on a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Fred Lanyon.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 13 December 2010 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
