July 13, 2023 Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
The meeting began at 7:17pm.
Board Members:
Laura Quinlan, Bill Griffith, Shannon Kittelson, Scott Miller, Elizabeth Lonnquist, Julie Pheteplace, Mark Fears
Melisa and Steve Andrichak, Craig Pryor
Melisa and Steve are building on Sandstone. They discussed with the Board their ideas about where the house might be located on the lot. They described the proposed shingles, stonework, paint colors, and the walkout deck. Shannon told the Andrichaks that the ACC fee might be different than first discussed. Julie motioned for approval with Bill having the second. Board approved.
Joe Figueroa had a shed request. The paint is to match the house and has a 25’ buffer. The payment has already been submitted. Mark motioned for approval. Bill had the second. Board approved.
Scott Miller had a request for a redo on his roof. There will be no change in appearance. Julie motioned for approval. Bill had the second. Board approved.
Jack Pruitt brought a request for a fence install, trying to get work going by a July 26th closing date. It is to be a three split rail fence that incloses one acre. It is 25’ from the lot line. Scott motioned for approval. Shannon had the second. Board approved.
June Minutes:
No changes and Bill motioned for approval. Julie had the second. Board approved.
Special meeting minutes where also approved. Scott had the first with Laura the second.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bill reported that at the time of the meeting the HOA had a balance of $28,318.59. There had been contributions of $795.00 and $145.00 for a total of $940.00 thru July 13th. $25.00 in ACC fees had been collected. $123.01 had been spent on a reusable FireWise banner. Mark motioned for approval and Julie had the second. Board approved.
The upcoming August 2nd meeting was noted and that 25 households had signed up. A September 9th chipping date was discussed as an additional date. Elizabeth proposed adding another $500.00 to the FireWise fund. Scott motioned for approval and Laura had the second. Board approved. There was discussion on the possible addition of other chipping dates.
Nothing to report.
Mark reported on mowing and cleanup at the park.
There was a July 26th meeting of the water board. No new information on the proposed Red Rock Acres development at this time.
Annual Picnic:
The Picnic is to be held on August 26th. Julie volunteered to bring pulled pork, Elizabeth - brats, Kevin is bringing water, Bill - condiments.
Ballots for vote on Chickens in the HOA areas:
Laura said that all the ballots had been mailed. Printing costs were discussed as well as the cost for stamps and envelopes. There was a discussion about how many returned mailings are to be expected. Laura and Bill are working on assignments for going out to request votes as 51% is required for a measure to pass either way.
The Board wants to remind owners that there is one vote per lot.
Red Rock Ranch Drive:
Paving has bee redone. More work along the road is scheduled for August and September.
Residence emails:
The Board again worked on ways to ensure all households are made aware of HOA business. Emails provide the quickest way to disseminate information but there has always been at least 35% of households that either don’t have an email address or haven’t provided it to the Board.
Board Priorities:
The Board addressed some of the points Craig Pryor had brought up. As to rewriting the Covenants, !00% of homeowners would have to approve a new covenant. Elizabeth gave an explanation for the Board’s actions in regards to the half way house, short term rentals, and the work on the question of chickens. Craig had also asked about park improvements. The Board explained that there had been efforts towards resurfacing the tennis court but because of funds outlay for lawsuit defense, the park improvements had to be postponed.
Round the Room:
No additional topics were brought to the meeting. It was noted that a playground inspector is scheduled for August 14th.
Laura volunteered to assist in setting up Zoom meetings.
Last discussions concerned homeowner education and the number of greenhouses.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm