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August 14, 2023 Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

Meeting began at 7:05pm.

Board Members:

Elizabeth Lonnquist, Laura Quinlan, Rosalia McKean, Shannon Kittelson, Julie Pheteplace,
Scott Miller, Mark Fears

Guests: Ketch Nowacki, Craig Pryor

Guest Concerns:

Ketch had sent e-mails to the board and asked about the status of the correspondence. The emails
concerned the financials of the HOA. He also asked about the timeline for a reply.
Elizabeth explained that Bill Griffith (treasurer) was not at this meeting and wouldn’t be
available for the immediate future. A summary of monthly financial statements compiled by Bill
have been posted in the monthly minutes.
The HOA controls/owns two pieces of property and Beth explained that if someone wanted to
see the deeds immediately that the information is readily available at the county assessors
office. She would be getting copies to have on hand also.
Craig Pryor asked about the appointment of Laura Quinlan to the Board. He was wanting to
make sure that the proper procedure for making appointments to the Board had been followed
and that Laura’s position hadn’t expired. Elizabeth said the Board would follow up on this item
at the next Board meeting.


Andrew Wacker had put in a ACC request for the installation of solar panels on the back of his
house. He has sent in the $25.00 check. Rosalia motioned for approval and Julie had the 2nd.
Board approved.
Kelly Smith also had put in a request for a solar panel installation and had sent in the ACC fee.
Julie motioned for approval and Scott had the 2nd. Board approved.
Kimberly Leonard’s request was for the installation of a Tuffshed. The position of the shed was
reviewed. It was determined it met all the requirements. Fee has been paid. Scott motioned for
approval, Shannon had the 2nd. Board approved.
Stetler household had a request but approval was moved to next month’s meeting. Shannon is
getting clarification on what is exactly being planned.


Discussed minutes and statements about required percentage of homeowners voting for a
measure to pass a covenant change. It was decided that e-mails to the Board would be added
to the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bill Griffith was unavailable for this Board session. Elizabeth gave short summary of Bill’s
report. The HOA has a balance of $29,288.06 at the time of this meeting. There has been a
collection of $295.24 in donations and ACC fees, including $1.45 in interest. $23.00 had been
payed to CyberBasement for website maintenance. 51.92% of HOA members have sent in
yearly donations. 44 have donated more than the suggested $75.00. $125.00 in ACC fees
have been collected.


$123.00 was paid out for a FireWise banner. The banner is designed to be reused. Board
discussed adding $500.00 to the fund for FireWise. Julie motioned for approval and Laura had
the 2nd. Board approved. That would bring FireWise fund to $1,031.38
Rosalia said she would send a report to Ketch.
Last chipping session served 11 houses. Next chipping date is September 9th.

Reserve Fund:

Elizabeth said that in 2012 the Board proposed setting up a Reserved Fund. At that time, it
was determined that $12,000.00 would be the goal. The fund wasn’t established but the
present Board thinks that a Reserve Fund should be established. The amount desired would
have to be increased in that it is now more than ten years later. More discussion is scheduled
for the next Board meetings.


Discussed what is missing on the current website and what might be added. Shannon
motioned for a “education” tab to be added to the website to make current/past articles more
accessible. Scott seconded. Board approved.


Rosalia gave a rundown on information she had gathered about playground inspections/
inspectors. Routine checks on playground equipment don’t need certifications. Small
playground areas are not usually inspected unless a specific insurance plan requires it. A Mr.
Clifford is available to do an inspection for the HOA and is certified. Scott motioned to
authorize the $250.00 inspection and Mark had the 2nd. The vote was 6-2 for approval. Scott
thought that no new equipment should be purchased until the Reserve Fund is set up. Kevin
stated he thought that the sprinkler repairs should be postponed until next spring. A motion for
abeyance vote was made by Mark, Kevin had the 2nd. Board approved.

Rosalia stated that she thought that the Board should develop a plan for park improvementsahead of the next Member’s meeting in April.


There wasn’t new information about planned residential developments.


Scheduled for August 26th.


Elizabeth is researching a new broker for the Board.

Red Rock Ranch Drive:

City of Monument is planning more work/repairs in September.


Laura has sent out a list of names for follow up on voting for the chicken amendment. She
reported that there has been a return of approximately 50% so far.


Discussed timeline for replies to e-mails to the Board.

Around the Room:

It was noted that some of the fence posts at the entrance to Nivens Park had been knocked
down. Mark said he would remove the fallen pieces.

Kevin told Elizabeth he had a document from Skip for her.

Rosalia asked that anyone attending Board meetings via Zoom turn on their cameras. This
idea was agreed upon but there was discussion if this needed to announced thirty days ahead
of implementation. Some members may need coaching on how to use Zoom. It was decided
to put the request for video in replies to meeting attendance requests.

Scott will chair the meeting in September.

Meeting adjourned at 8:22pm.
