ELIZABETH (BETH) LONNQUIST I have been a resident of Red Rock Ranch since 2006 and have served on the RRRHOA Board as President since 2016.
Living close to the National Forest means we are in a Wildland Urban Interface. I restarted the dormant Firewise program in 2017 and with the help of many of our neighbors; Red Rock Ranch became a nationally recognized and designated Firewise Community, leading to our receiving numerous grants to help fund our chipping/shredding program. Our Firewise program has become a national model. Our Firewise committee, with full support of the current Board, has opened up communication with El Paso County Office of Emergency Preparedness, Tri lakes Fire Department, Palmer Lake Police Department, Monument Police Department and El Paso County Sheriff’s Department with regards to evacuation.
I represent our HOA at other organizations’ meetings that help to support our HOA... NEPCO (Northern El Paso County Organizations), CONO (Council of Neighborhood Organizations), and FOMP (Friends of Monument Preserve). Why?... This helps ensure our voice is heard and our issues are addressed by the County, State and Federal governments.
I feel a strong, cohesive Board has and can accomplish so many positive things. If reelected I will continue to support our Firewise program; continue to work for responsible, compatible development; and protect our covenants that allow us to create a safe, cohesive community.
I and your current Board have worked tirelessly to maintain our community and uphold the HOA Covenants. I have enjoyed meeting many of you over the past five years. I am honored to be supported by the Board and community members and I look forward to continuing to improve our neighborhood in the future.